Challenge 2: Intelligence

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Chapter 5:

(Zandar POV)

I looked around the breakfast table the next morning and it was clear that I had a target on my back. I was awarded a private audience with Hildegard, they weren't and clearly they weren't happy about it. Still I had to stay focused. I looked over at Hildegard and she was back to remaining neutral. She wasn't talking to anyone or even looking at anyone just looking in front of her focused on some distant point. As breakfast ended King Henrik stood up, "Today is the intelligence challenges we are down to 17 tributes by the end of the day at most we will have 12. All of you are strong, but that will only get you so far you need to be smart in your actions. You need to be able to think about what the best course of action is and how to best solve problems. This will not only help you as a Royal but in life and in your challenges are going to start in one hour." He stood up and we all did as well and I watched as Hildegard and her family left. She looked back right before she left, "Good luck." She glanced around the room and her eyes locked on mine for a second but moved quickly.

(Hildegard POV)

I didn't want to talk at breakfast. This whole Gauntlet was getting to me. It was terrifying that one of these men were going to be my future husband. Astrid bringing up the Gauntlet made me feel anxious and nervous and whenever I felt nervous or that I couldn't do something I retreated back into myself and put up my front. It was easier to pretend that I didn't care and keep a straight face rather than address any of this in real life. I didn't listen as my Dad talked to all of them about today's challenge but stayed focus on some point on the wall. I stood up and walked out with my family but I felt a sudden urge to turn back. I scanned the room, "Good luck." My eyes locked on Zandar's for a brief moment before I turned and left the room.

I walked down to my design room to hide out there while I waited for the challenge to begin. I heard a knock on the door, "If it is Astrid I don't want to talk right now." The door then opened, "It's not Astrid." I looked over at Axel, "What are you doing here oh dear brother-in-law of mine?" He rolled his eyes, "Come on Hildegard I have been married to your sister for years don't you think that you will finally start calling me Axel?" I brought my hand to my chin, "No, I'm afraid I cannot brother-in-law." He sat down next to me, "Alright, so what is bothering you?" "What are you tal-" I started but he held up his hand, "Save the denial speech. I have lived here for years and despite your best efforts I have learned a few things about you and I know that you completely shut down when you are trying to avoid something and act like this cold, reserved, perfect princess." I looked up at him, "I don't like that you know that about me." I spat. He clapped his hands together and leaned back, "I knew it. So what is bothering you?"

I let out a breath, "I don't know. This whole marriage thing has been freaking me out. I have no control in this situation, I am quite literally a prize to one of these competitors and besides Zandar I don't know any of them. They are either Crown Princes who need me so they can take the throne, nobility who are trying to raise their station or knights who are looking for honor for their kingdom. None of them actually want to court me and marry me, they want what a marriage to me can give them. It is pretty freaking terrifying having to marry a stranger." Axel nodded, "I can understand that. I can't relate to it but I can understand it. But this whole thing is designed so that you end up with the right person..." Axel started on the standard Gauntlet speech and I stopped him, "Stop. Everyone needs to stop with this whole magical, predetermined I am going to find the love of my life stuff. I don't believe in it and nothing you are going to say will change my mind." Axel nodded his head and thought for a moment, "Then what do you call Astrid and I?" I looked up at him, "The lucky ones." He shrugged, "Maybe you will be lucky too." I shook my head, "I have never been as lucky as Astrid and I am not raising my hopes now when the stakes are this high." He nodded his head, "Look I know I can't convince you otherwise but, I hope you know that I will look out for you and if you need someone to talk to I'm here." He stood up and started to walk away, "I think Zandar has a pretty good shot at winning." I let out a breath. "Thanks," he turned to face me, "Axel." He smiled, "You're welcome Hildy." "No, we are not there yet" I said. He nodded, "Yeah it felt wrong." We both laughed. He then turned to the clock, "It's time to head over to the challenges."

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