Challenge 3: Dedication Part 2

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Chapter 9:

(Hildegard POV)

I watched as the moon rose over the kingdom below, my home. It wouldn't be for much longer so I was trying to take it all in. It was cold up in the tower and all I had to keep me warm was a worn blanket. Guards were stationed at the entrance of the tower but, none were anywhere else so I had no idea how they were. I looked down at the floor and sighed. My foot was chained to a bolt in the floor. I was able to move around but, it was obvious I wasn't free. I could see some rustling in the trees below and suspected that was the tributes coming closer. I let out a breath and went over to the chaise. It was impossible to lay comfortably on the bed as I soon figured out but, I was able to move the chaise closer to the bolt and was able to lay down. I closed my eyes and waited silently for my fate to be sealed.

(Zandar POV)

I continued to move later into the night until I reached the foot of the mountain. I took one look up and back at Dash. Lightening Hares were quick but, there was a reason they didn't live in high altitudes. I untied him and smirked, "This is the end of the road for us. Thanks for you help." I took out more of the silentium berries and gave him some. I looked down and saw that I had 4 left I tucked them back away and began making my way up the mountain. It was getting darker and darker but, I had no way of knowing if my competition had stopped so I couldn't stop either. I would rest when I got her back home.

I continued working my way up the mountain before I had to take a moment to stop. I had made a decent enough headway on the mountain where I felt I could take a break. I was still not used to the cold climate of Freezenburg and the higher altitude wasn't helping. I looked down and could see movement in the forest. I turned and looked up and I could see a blur. I focused on it harder and realized it was a tower. My eyes widened it was the tower. It was still far away but it was in sight now and I could get to her. I stood back up and started moving again. This time I wasn't going to stop until I saw Hildegard. The cold, the exhaustion, the thirst, the hunger all washed away as adrenaline kicked in.

The sun began to rise over head. I was grateful for Dash now as his help allowed me to have the little energy I had left before reaching the peak of one of the mountains were the tower stood. Outside the entranceway of the tower stood two guards. I thought that it was like the keys, making sure we reached the point before continuing our journey so I tried to head forward but they had there arms overstretched across the entryway, "No one is allowed to enter." I looked up at them, "The..." "Gauntlet contestants included," he interrupted. I nodded realizing what it meant. I took a step back and examined the tower. I then saw a balcony at the top, I looked at the rope in my hands and the arrows in my quiver and had an idea.

(Hildegard POV)

The sun shined through the open window as I tightened the blanket around my arms. By the end of the day I would be engaged. It was a strange feeling and I decided to move closer to the window to attempt to close it again. It wouldn't budge before but, I was becoming more desperate for some type of warmth or at least a small escape from the cold. I moved closer when I heard noises from outside the window. I looked down and saw an arrow with a rope tied to it and as I looked further I saw a turban. I instantly knew who it was and I caught myself smiling again. He looked up and saw me, "Well glad I have the right room." He shouted and I covered my mouth with my hand. I watched as he got closer and I helped him climb through the window. "Are you alright?" He asked looking me over. His hand brushed against my face, "You are so cold." He took off his fur cape and draped it across my shoulders. I held onto the edges and brought it closer to me taking in the long awaited warmth, "I am so sorry this happened to you." He said as his forehead leaned against mine.

He looked around, "Is anyone else here?" I shook my head, "No you are first to arrive." He nodded his head, "Good.' He put his hands on my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I was shocked for a moment but I quickly placed my hands on his arms and gave into the moment. We separated and he smiled, "I've been waiting to do that since we were 11." I rolled my eyes shaking my head, "Of course you were." He then ran over to the door, "Come on Hildy, we need to move. I have no idea where the others are but, something tells me they aren't going to try something underhanded." He opened the door and was surprised when it was unlocked. He held out his hand for me, "Come on." I looked down at my ankle and he saw the chain and the bolt in the ground I was standing next to.

(Zandar POV)

The key. I thought it would be to the door but, they chained her to the floor. She looked up at me, "Go on, use your key." My mouth opened and I watched as realization washed over her face, "Y-You don't have one, do you? Alright maybe you can cut through the chain, do you have a sword?" I shook my head again, all the swords and daggers were gone and I wasn't convinced that I would need one until now. I watched as he entire body deflated as her lips fell into a straight line. She turned back to face the window, "Hildegard, I..." I started but then she spoke, "Fate really is cruel. It loves toying with me, giving me hope to snatch it away. I thought for a moment. I let myself think for a moment," she shook her head, "I should have known better. You'd think I would have learned after..." "After what?" I asked.

She looked back at me, "I didn't know what a mother was until I was, I don't know maybe 5 years old when I finally started attending Royal Prep. I was previously taught at home and although I knew something was missing I never knew what. When all of my friends told me that there was another family member who would love and take care of me and a plethora of other things, I couldn't help but, wonder why I had never met her before. I figured that if I was perfect I might finally be able to meet her. I started working harder at all my skills trying to perfect everything. When I finally thought that I was good enough I asked my father about my mother and where she was. I never saw a frown come on someone's face so quickly. You see my mother and father were older when they had me, Astrid was maybe 6 or 7 and was their only child they hadn't planned on having anymore. The night I was born there were several complications, neither of us were expected to make it. Fate decided that I could live but, punished me for all the trouble I caused by taking away my mother. She took her last breath as I took my first. Fate has punishing me ever since. I thought for a moment maybe fate change its mind about me. That I might be allowed to... Doesn't matter Fate decided to play an even crueler joke by giving me hope."

I wasn't sure what to say. Nothing felt right. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and held onto her for a moment as I felt tears hit my jacket. She didn't deserve any of that or any of this. She shouldn't have blamed herself for any of this and no matter how long it took I was going to convince her about that. "Sorry to cut this happy moment short, but I believe you won't be doing any rescuing without one of these," I turned and saw all five keys in his hand, "Sorry it took so long but, I had to make sure that no one but me could save you." I was trying to place the name to the face but, the way Hildegard's nails dug into my arm through my shirt let me know how scared she actually was.

He came forward shoving me to the ground, out of his way, and ripped my cape off of Hildegard's shoulders, "No let me take in the view of my future wife." He brought a hand to her face and forced her chin to tilt back, "Yes, you will make a fine Duchess and who knows maybe one day you might be Queen." For the first time in my life I saw her stutter, "D-D-Duke Vladimir what do you mean?" He smirked, "You'll see what I mean." He went down to her ankle and unlocked the chain around her foot keeping his grasp firmly on her wrist, "Finally it is my time to win."

He began to pull her out of the room but, I couldn't let that happen. The task was to save Hildegard and clearly she needed saving from this lunatic. I ran forward and grabbed her other wrist. She looked back at me and winced as she was the rope in a game of tug-of-war. Duke Vladimir looked over at me, "What do you think you are doing boy? What have you done to deserve this honor?" I went for one of the berries in my pocket as he continued to talk, "Answer me-" I threw the berry into his mouth. He immediately stopped moving. I worked on his hand and released Hildegard's wrist, "Silentium Berry, also known as a timestopper. He can't move but, it's temporary and we really need to go." She looked wide eyed at me and came crashing into my chest, "I've got you." She nodded her head into my chest, "D-Don't let me go, please." I held onto her tighter and took out the badge and wrapped both my arms around her and pressed against the badge.

The Gauntletजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें