Chapter 4: Eli

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This chapter does NOT support pedophilia in any way, nor is it meant to be written with a pedophilic mindset. In fact, it will be revealed further in the book why certain characters act a certain way.

Second day of school and already felt quite tired.
"Is it going to be like this every day from now on...?" I asked, yawning. "I've only gotten eight hours of sleep..."
"Well, I don't know about you but I have a huge ass dead plant chilling on my balcony." Jasper said. He wasn't in his best mood today. Even though I've known him for only a day, I could already tell when he was pissed off or normal.
"Have you tried cutting it?" I asked.
"Yeah, with scissors?" he responded, angry.
We were walking in the opposite direction of the students' way to classes. Neither of us knew why. Our class was in the same direction everyone was walking to.
"I genuinely wonder what could it be..." I said. "Is the building old?"
"It was built in the 80s. I wouldn't call that old."
I nodded. Jasper showed me a few photos of it. It seemed as if it was coming from the ground.
"Was it laying on other people's balcony's though?" I asked.
"No... not at all... and no one seemed to notice it anyway."
I shrugged. "That's weird."
"Yeah, I guess I'll try and cut it by myself... question is, with what?" Jasper spoke.
The bell rang. "Where are we going to?" I asked, confused. I was so caught in the talk, that I forgot where I was going.
"Uhh, physics I guess?" Jasper replied, then we both ran to class.
"Those students were right when going to classes on the other side!" I said, slowly getting tired from all that running.
When we finally got to the right part of the school, we stopped a bit. "What time is it?" Jasper asked. I took my phone and looked. "08:07" "Shoot!" he said, and we both began running again.
"Where the hell is that classroom?!" Jasper said, slowing a bit to let me lead.
"Come!" I said, and sprinted on the hallways between the corps.
Finally, after running for ten minutes on the school corridor, we arrived. I opened the door and entered. But instead of our 56-year-old caffeine addicted teacher, there was standing, in the middle of the class, a fair blonde tall man, dressed in a black sleeveless coat, some flared jeans and a white buttoned blouse. His eyes were ice cold. He didn't seem over 20. Was he still in university? Was he a substitute teacher? We were going to find out later.
"Good morning!" me and Jasper said. "Sorry for coming la-"
"Ah, no... it's okay. Eli and Jasper?" he asked, interrupting me.
"I'm Eli." I said. "Jasper here." He said. I took a look at Jasper. He seemed kind of... concerned.
"My name's Ezra." He told us.
Me and Jasper sat in the right bench. Mr. Ezra studied Jasper a bit as he opened his notebook in order to get a paper from it. Jasper wrote something on the paper and passed it to me.

"something feels wrong about this man" the note said.

I looked at Mr. Ezra a bit. He didn't feel suspicious in any way. Just genuinely in a good mood.

"Now you feel suspicious of people who are not confronting with a huge plant on a balcony?"

I passed the paper to him. He sighed.

"Who knows, maybe he's dealing with that too...

The point is, he seems as if he'd... dunno, spy me, or us... but particularly me."

He passed the note to me. I searched for my pencil but then I lifted my head up. Mr. Ezra was already writing at the board, and all the students were looking in their notebooks. I pled my head down to fake the fact I was writing in my notebook... cause I was doing so on the paper.

"wdym suspicious? He looks quite nor-"

I wanted to write "normal", but then I lifted my head up. Mr. Ezra was DIRECTLY staring at Jasper. He was avoiding everyone else. He did not care about the others. He was just staring at him, dead in the eye, as if Jasper was his new little toy he could obsess over.
Jasper slightly turned his head at me and wrote on my bench:

"that's what I meant"

I nodded. We both returned to writing the lesson that freak was teaching.

The bell rang. Me and Jasper rushed to get out.
"Why was that dude staring at you like that?" I asked.
"I-I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." Jasper rushed to reply.
We both distanced as far as we could from that classroom and went directly to the restrooms. Jasper stared in the mirror.
"Why the fuck was that psychopath staring at me like that...?!" he mumbled.
I got closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, it's alright, I hope he was just zoning out... but if he keeps being a weirdo we'll go to the principal and tell her, okay?" I tried comforting him.
He sighed. There was a moment of silence between us.
"What class do we have now?" Jasper asked, changing the topic. His face wasn't as worried as before. "Biology, I guess. Hey, you can ask the teacher about that root from your balcony!" I suggested.
Jasper shrugged. "I mean... sure, but I'd rather see if I can do anything by myself first."
We went to change our notebooks. Our lockers were near each other, at the end of the hallway. When we got there, we saw our classmate, Aubrey, applying a lip gloss. Her locker was decorated in a very y2k style; leopard prints all over, domo stickers, a My Chemical Romance poster, words written with a marker (they seemed like those love tests you do to see how possible is it for your crush to like you back). It was also full of bracelets, used make up and her locker was spreading a scent of apple pie around. Her locker was something completely different from her clothing style though: currently she was wearing a black skirt with long socks, a blouse with a tie and Mary Janes.
"I heard she loves Gerard Way." I told Jasper.
"He'd definitely not love her back." He said, as he opened his locker to get his books. His locker was decorated as fuck as well: a Get Scared poster, some voodoo dolls (for whatever reasons), Muppets, candles, roses and...
"You seriously have a dagger in your locker?" I asked.
"Well... I thought it would look pretty cool in it."
"What if any of the school guards catches you?"
Jasper shrugged. "It's pretty hidden though... I wonder how can you see it. It's behind the voodoo dolls..."
"But why do you have voodoo dolls in your locker though? And candles and uh..." I air-circled some red stains.
"Oh yeah. Those." He said. "Well uh... I thought it looked cool."
"But where'd you get them from?"
"Nowhere. They're handmade." He replied.
I looked at him a bit shocked for a second. Was he practicing witchcraft? Why was his locker filled with this sort of stuff?
"If my mom could see your locker, I'd have permanent restriction from talking to you." I said.
"Haha, I see... but... I just made them for, fun, not to harm anyone... I haven't put anyone's hair in the doll so uh, I guess it's okay... it's just a plain doll" he said.
"Mhm... yeah..." I replied. It was still weird to hold literal voodoo dolls and ritualic candles in your locker if you didn't practice witchcraft
"Let's just... go to class or whatever..." Jasper said. I could feel the embarrassment in his voice.
I rushed to keep the same speed as him. "Hey, uh... I-I still have to guide you to class!" I said.
It took us a while to get there, but at least we arrived on time. There were a few students in the class already. We still chose the backseats though.
And pretty much every other single class was like this, until we left home at 3 PM.

"My mom said she won't be back home until 9 PM." I said. "Maybe I can try to help you cut that root?"
Jasper shrugged. He was still a bit embarrassed. "Dunno. You will think I will try to kill you." He said.
I looked surprised at him. "No, why would I think that? You haven't done anything to me!"
He sighed. "Well, yeah but... you saw my locker and I though you were gonna judge it cause... it had ritualic stuff in it which I didn't use."
"Well, I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty weird holding ritualic stuff in your locker." I said. "But hey, I'm not gonna piss you off cause of it!"
I tried sketching a smile on my face hoping to make him feel better.
"Sure. Let's go." Jasper finally said.
We went to his location. It was still very warm outside. Leaves were starting to fall and the sun was starting to set sooner.
While walking I started to noticed Jasper was looking kind of... dead.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"I don't know if I'll cut that root." He said. "It looked pretty thick to be honest."
I took his arm. "Hey, it's alright, we'll eventually cut it, okay?"
He looked away. "Myeah." He mumbled.
I let his arm go and continued walking after him.
Finally, when we got there, Jasper took my hand. "Look." He said, pointing with his finger at the balcony.
And he was right.
Right there it was a big root.
A big root embracing his balcony.

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