Chapter 10: Jasper

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When we got there it was already evening. The mansion was shining in the sun's last rays, and some crows were spinning around it.
"So what do you want to see here?" Eli asked.
I walked forward and opened the door. "I should ask you that... I've already been chased to death by an entity."
Eli sighed and entered as I held the door open. When I closed it, I could see the spark in his eyes; he's never seen a Victorian building before. I remember running on the stairs of a familiar building, placed here..."
"On your left, there's a dining room. Right: living room. They both look quite uh... messy. As if a tornado entered the house and turned it upside down." I said. He didn't seem to pay attention to me though. He was just wandering around.
I sighed and followed him. "Do you have any weapon to protect yourself? I asked.
"Oh, uh..." he then took something out of his bag. "I have this sharp pencil." He spoke. "What about you?"
I sighed. "I can just hope no one will attack me."
Eli rolled his eyes and we walked upstairs.
"Where did you say you jumped off the window?" he asked.
I took the lead, then opened the door of that dorm, which was surprisingly closed. I showed him the broken window. He nodded.
"Well, let's see what's wrong with the other rooms." He said, moving to the second room. I followed him, then we opened the door. This one was simply... horrifying. Blood splattered. Everywhere. Rotten flesh remains laying in the corners. Organs. Literal organs on the desk (hearts, stomachs, guts). On the bed there was laying a dead dog...
I was grossed. Eli was on the edge of crying.
"Buster!" he said, then ran to the dead dog's remains. I could hear him panting while crying, even if he tried doing it silently. When he couldn't hold it anymore, he just let it out. He put his head on the bloody bed sheets.
I approached him and seat near him. "Hey, man, it's alright..."
"I-IT'S NOT OKAY, JAS..." he said, trying to look at me. Our eyes met; his hazel eyes were red of crying. I put my hand by his shoulders. He turned his face to the bed sheets.
"Who the fuck did this..." he mumbled. "Who the fuck gruesomely murdered my dog and... chopped him to pieces?!"
"I don't know Eli. But i-it's alright, we'll find whoever the guilty one is and... give them what they deserve."
"I know who it is." He rose his head up. "It's that motherfucker from my dream. He keeps trying to drug me to forget my dog's death."
We stood in deep silence a bit, then I got up and helped him to get up too.
"Look, I promise we'll stop somewhere so you can calm down, okay... I know it's hard for you, it's hard to see a dead body and tolerate it but..." I looked at Eli's face. He didn't seem convinced. I wouldn't be either to be honest.
"One room. One more room and then we go somewhere else." He said. "I cannot take it anymore."
I nodded. We opened a door from the left side this time. It looked like my room from when I was 11-12. Games posters, plushies, sketchbooks. But aside from that, it was surprisingly the cleanest room. Even the bed sheets weren't touched. But we decided to stay away from them.
Suddenly we both heard something falling and shattering. Eli dragged himself closer to me and hugged my arm, scared.
Everything became so eerie, all of a sudden. Nothing seemed to be moving anymore. I could feel Eli's heartbeats already. They seemed to beat as if he didn't know what to do if something was going to attack us (which was quite disappointing because I didn't have a plan and he probably put all his trust in me already.)
I opened my mouth to whisper something to him. "Come. We'll get out here safely... alright?"
But right in that moment. Right after that second the whole room started getting a red gradient. The darker objects seemed as if they were covered in a deep black shadow. The walls and bed sheets were the only ones not black yet, but they still had a dark red hue.
Deep silence. None of us was talking.
"Remember when I told you about my recent dream..." Eli asked, breaking the silence.
I nodded. My face then suddenly switched to being more worried than I already was. It could not be. It could not be the time that parallel reality guardian was talking about.
"We're getting out of here." I said.
"How? You're not gonna break a window again, are you?"
"Do you see any other chance of evading other than breaking the window?"
Eli sighed. "Let's go." Then took my hand and we both approached the window, but when I looked down the garden which was residing behind the house just... disappeared. It was all just a black space."
Eli nodded. "Yep. We're dead." Then we heard creaking and crawling coming from the stairs too.
Were these my last moments with him? Did I have to say good-bye forever? Either way, I still said:
"Eli, if this is goodbye then it was very nice to meet you, and just to know that I l-"
"Yeah, yeah, me too..." he interrupted me. "Now how the fuck do we get out of-"
But then a thing came in. I didn't know how to describe it: first of all, it was obviously on all fours. Crawling, for short. Second, it was missing the second part of the head (from where it should've been the nose to where the neck should begin.) Third, its neck seemed to be somewhat connected to the head. Fourth, the eyes were some big, long black empty eyeballs, melting down.
Unfortunately, it ran directly towards me and Eli and we could not back up. We both probably fell on the ground either fainted or dead. Our vision was getting darker, and I couldn't hear anything around me.

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