Chapter 9: Eli

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I woke up in the dream reality again. Again, after nearly two weeks.
I looked around myself; yes, everything was the same as before, except now I was in a meadow with black grass and black nature. Except the sky was red, and was giving a red aura upon whatever was surrounding it (including me). Surprisingly, my bones were absolutely stuck. I couldn't get up, nor could I do any other movement.
I looked around and then I suddenly felt the cold blade or a sword on my right shoulder. My veins froze. What was going on? Why did someone carry as sword with them on an absolute lonely meadow?
I slowly turned my head around to be encountered by no one else but the shadow person I saw two weeks ago, when I first fell here. But know they were looking more... clear. They were dressed with some long black shorts, a brown vest over a white t-shirt, shoulder and knee armor and large boots, with a cape. They had Jasper's head, except they were wearing a mask which was only covering their eyes by a sparkly white light, and a sygil crown leaning down from their head.
"May I sit near you?" the person asked. They were a boy for sure, and now that he looked more visible, I could see that now he seemed around, 17 years old?
I was quite uncomfortable with knowing there's a stranger who wants to sit near me. A person I've seen only twice, and only once completely clear.
It's not as if my body was approving with what I was thinking though; rather, it was being controlled by someone, so I shrugged. "Sure." I replied.
That was definitely not a thing I would've said so easily but I couldn't do anything, but watch and see what my body was doing. It was as if I was in a dream... in which I sure was but associating it to my reactions in other dreams, then I suppose I'm stuck in one.
We both sat next to each other, staring at a red sky shining above us.
Finally he spoke:
"So how did you get stuck here?"
I slightly turned my head at him. He was already examining me. He didn't seem very impressed though.
"You tell me... I was just peacefully sleeping." I said. "Ah, and let's not forget the other time when I got here when I could barely see your face at all."
"I believe you." He said. "Still traumatized from that night?"
I nodded. Wow, at least he knew some entity (Rokurokubi, as Jasper calls it) murdered my dog and chopped him to pieces.
"You'll see later that it was not a regret for your dog to die, sooner or later." He suddenly said, taking his look away from me.
I looked freaked out at him. "How the fuck am I supposed to feel good after the dog I've known for seven years died tortured by an undead entity?!"
"And have you thought why, exactly, was he murdered?" the boy kept coming with arguments and questions.
"Uh, for certain cannibalistic reasons or for some spiritual cult of the undead?" I asked.
He chuckled. "No, no. Not at all." Then he got up. "You'll find out why as time passes. Let's not spill everything right now." He said, taking off a jewel from his collar, then landing it to me.
I took the jewel in my hand; it was a red stone, looking a lot like a ruby with some mini-roots growing on the left corner.
"Is this supposed to be some gift from a stranger that will give me super powers to take over the world?" I asked. No but really though. Did he want me to take over the world or is this some sort of mini-gift after visiting this shit place and was it going to be goodbye?
He laughed. "Oh, you're funny... but no. It's supposed to bring you here more and more times, per week." He acted as if he didn't just say something weird, and eventually turned around and walked away.
"Eh? How am I supposed to be happy about this?!" I yelled as he was distancing himself more and more. I could finally get up but was unable to move at all. All I could do is watch him distance himself away from me.
He then slightly turned his head at me. It was a long space between us. "Every action has consequences. But can you find out why were you the chosen one to be here?" he spoke. "Tomorrow. You will not be safe. Neither you or your friend will be.", then suddenly some wings came from his back as if he was going to fly.
"Huh? The chosen one to be here? Not safe-" but I couldn't finish my sentence. He already flied away in a matter of seconds. I could barely see him anymore. But suddenly, when I did, he was sitting in front of the sun, directed exactly towards me. His silhouette became black. His whole body was black again. Except for his white, glowing eyes. Those were shining towards me and I looked directly at them, trying to find at least a small drop of pity to let me go. But I couldn't find anything at all. It's as if he never hid any emotions behind his mask. I must be honest, he was extremely far from here, but you could see his face vaguely if you looked with attention.
Suddenly my view started to fade away, and the silhouette flew away and far, away from my capacity of seeing it. I was going back to reality! Finally.
After my view faded completely to black, I heard a voice in the distance.
"You cannot get out of this..." it spoke. A girl who seemed around eight or nine years old was speaking, but obviously I couldn't see her anywhere.
"It's all over, Elijah."
"It's over."
"Give up."
Then the voice shut and I woke up to our reality.

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