Chapter 6: Eli

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I woke up from my very nice nap. Seriously, I fell asleep in the next five minutes I got in my bed. Sadly, my nap turned out to be a whole 10 hour sleep after checking my phone and seeing it was 3 AM. And what's more of a shame is that I had a sore throat as well.

"Yeah, I'll just go get some water..." I thought.
I got up from bed and walked downstairs. I was still a bit bothered by today... I mean, yesterday. It was only my second day there and I already fucked things up; I nearly lost a new friend just by judging their locker, then I abandoned wanting to help him cause I was bored and tired as fuck, I skipped math (hey, at least I showed up to it on the first day!) and got to the principal, and of course my mom got a call from the principal as well. All I wanted was that day to be done already, so I just napped- pardon, slept.
Whatever, I got down. I checked to see if mom and Nellie's shoes were at the entrance.
"Are they on night shift...? But Nellie told me..."
I shrugged and approached the counter. Not gonna lie, it was a bit cold inside, which was quite weird since when I came home everything seemed to be warm.
I took a glass from a cupboard. However, it felt very sticky, in a way or another. I put it on the counter and lifted my hand up. It was some sort of liquid... but it wasn't blood.
My mouth formed a short "ew" so I turned on the sink... but water wasn't coming from it.
I turned it on again. Nothing. Except...
One drop.
I watched it slowly fall on the sink. It was lightened by the moon's glow when it shattered into thousands of particles.
Another drop.
Two drops.
A drop again.
Then nothing.
I blinked two times, kind of surprised. What the fuck? Maybe I should try the bathrooms too.
Right then I heard a sound, but I couldn't define where was it coming from. Supposedly it was from Buster?
I turned my head and saw Buster staring at me. I flinched.
"Oh, Buster..." I chuckled, sketching a smile while approaching him. "You scared me, boy...!"
Suddenly a vague rotten smell reached my nostrils. I stopped from walking.
I was two meters away from Buster. I looked at him closely.
But then I had the sudden thought... the sudden, ugly thought I didn't wish to have.
Buster was still staring at me, dead in the eye. Not a single movement was coming from him.
I looked more closely at him; his fur was dry and messy, which was quite unusual for him. Random stains were stuck on his fur as well, and he had some ugly scars.
But then I realized something...
He wasn't looking at me.
He was never looking at me...
... cause he was eyeless...
Suddenly his head lifted up. It was tied on a long, wooden stick.
I backed up two steps. What the fuck is this?! Is this some sort of prank?
But then I noticed that not the dead Buster was searching me.
And a noise from upstairs.
The head on a stick was just some sort of lure so it could kill me... supposedly.
I hid behind the counter. My heart was beating so fast that it was going to break out of my chest.
Right the moment I feared the most has come. I heard some slow, loud footsteps coming down one by one.
"I have to hide." I thought. "But where?"
I first thought of hiding inside the counter. I opened the doors but I was hit by a very strong rotten smell. There I saw Buster's body remains. I gasped, covering my mouth, then closed the door and started sobbing.
"Buster...!" I thought. Seeing my dog laying dead, head separated from the body, wasn't on my wish list.
The steps were approaching the living room. I had two options: to get out of the house and wait outside until dawn, or get the guts in order to protect myself. I would've much rather if there was a third option, which was that it's all a horrible nightmare.
I sighed, trying to calm myself. I took a deep breath, then looked behind the counter. I was shocked of what I saw: It was a horrid eight feet tall, black entity, with scribbled black pupils being centered inside some big red eyes. The entity's neck was long. Really, really long. In fact, it was somehow longer than the body! And if I knew a thing, it was that I was hugely afraid of big stuff. It was gladly approaching the living room.
"Okay, at three I get the fuck out and wait until dawn... but I have to be quick or that thing will kill me." I thought. Only if I had a prop close to me... it would be better.
When I felt the entity distancing itself, I counted.
My heart was beating extremely fast, on the edge of escaping my body and leaving the house by itself.
Sweat drops were falling down my temple. Was what I was doing good? Was it really necessary?
I got up and rushed out the door. My heart was pumping so fast I thought I would lose it before getting out.
What was scarier: the entity was right behind me. I could feel it. It was chasing me.
Then I realized something quite ugly. What if I locked the door? Which I probably did, but still, what if? Was I going to wake up or die in painful torments?
I jumped straight into it. To my surprise, it opened.
But I couldn't get up to close it.
Cause there was no land below my feet.
I was falling into a red void.
And I was probably going to fall like this for an eternity.

Expectations: wrong.
Yes, I was still falling, but now I could see where.
I was approaching something which seemed like an ocean. Except it was black... and everything around it (aka the sky) was red.
I span around. Now my back was facing the ocean, as I tried figuring out if this was Hell on Earth.
"Where the hell am I falling?"
"Is this the end
"Will I be able to swim back?"
"Will I d
But my wave of thoughts was interrupted cause of a painful impact between me and the mystery ocean's water.
I was drowning deep down. I tried swimming back, as I probably was right now since I could see the sky more and more.
I had to make it and find land. But how could I get back to my reality? Because this place was definitely not real. And now I was completely sure this was a lucid nightmare. All I had to do was to close my eyes so I could wake up... hopefully.
My arms made it to the surface, now I just had to look for somewhere to get up from this water.
I swam to where I thought it would be the north. Suddenly, my eyes saw a piece of earth.
I finally got to it. I stopped to take a deep breath. I was alive. Somehow, I was still alive. Or maybe I died, but who knows.
My eyes were aimed to the ground. I was taking loads of deep breaths, then I decided to lift my head up, but there was standing a black figure in front of me with white glowing eyes. It had the shape of a human, but I could deduce what was it wearing. Maybe some long shorts, boots, a t-shirt and a vest? But it seemed as if it was wearing some shoulder armor as well. And a... silver, rusty crown? Whatever.
We looked at each other. The wind was blowing my wet hair and the person's cape.
Suddenly the image slowly faded away.
My view darkened for a while. Was I waking up? So this was indeed just a dream?
Hopefully I was waking up.
But not in a made up Hell.

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