Chapter 11: Eli

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We woke up in the middle of a forest. Both of us were huffing, and both of us were also quite wounded.
"How the... how the hell did we..." I began talking, but couldn't finish because:

a) my wounds were hurting me

b) I was extremely exhausted

I looked down at my hands. They were very muddy and had tons of bruises for some reason. My head was bothering me and I was on the verge of crying, but I smiled at turned my head at Jasper:
"Remember when we both nearly died climbing those stairs?..." I said.
He was laying on the grass. He wasn't looking any better than me. In fact, he looked quite worse; half his head was covered in blood, his arms were full of scars and his t-shirt had a small cut. He also didn't seem to hear my question.
I laid down near him. He didn't seem to notice me. Was he day dreaming?
'Jasper, man, are you alri-"
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Deep silence. "Yeah... don't worry."
"Eli, I nearly killed you."
I sighed. "Hey, man, at least you tried to save me. That's more important."
Deep silence again.
"I'm sorry."
"For? What's the reason you're sorry for?"
"Putting your life in danger." He spoke.
I blinked two times. "Dude, I'm literally nothing besides you. Did you even look at yourself? Half of your head is literally bleeding."
He sighed.
"Sometimes, you get to a point where you don't even care anymore about yourself."
I sat down. "Why so?"
Earlier in the morning, when he spit the cigarette, he said he "was recovering". Could that be...?
"Does it have a connection o what you said earlier this morning?" I asked.
"Eli, forget it."
"I can't just forget it, Jasper. What's wrong, please..."
"Can we go somewhere else... near a lake or, whatever?"
I shrugged. "Sure. You have to clean that wound after all."
We got up and searched for a potential lake. The forest seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't tell where I saw it.
Somehow we ended up standing in front of my house's back.
"What's the time?" Jasper asked.
I looked at my phone. "1 AM... I think my parents are sleeping. Let's go in." I said, then jumped over the fence and slowly walked to the balcony door.
Jasper followed me. We both got to the backyard entrance and slowly opened it.
"Imagine that Rokurokubi entity followed us here too." Jasper said.
"Can you please not remind me of those shitty memories?" I asked, whispering.
I led him to my room. It was surrounded by darkness and silence, and it was genuinely cold.
"There's a bathroom over there. You can go use it, but don't make too much noise." I said.
He nodded and entered. I sighed and laid down on the bed.
"Why wouldn't he care about the fact his whole fucking head was covered in a pool of blood. It's just like, if I didn't tell him to clean that wound, he'd just... ignore it." I mumbled.
It passed a while since Jasper entered the bathroom. I slowly approached the door and knocked two times on it. No answer.
I knocked again, and when I saw no one was answering me I entered. To my surprise, no one was in the bathroom, and on the mirror there was a blood-written text saying:


I didn't know if I should've been concerned or worried about the fact Jasper was obviously not here or because he wrote with his own blood on my mirror, then I suddenly saw a bat watching me.
I flinched. "Oh, holy fuck!" I said.
The bat inclined its head a bit. It was pitch black.
"What are you doing there little guy?..." I said, approaching it.
It sat on my finger as I studied it a bit.
"Did you see Jasper anywhere...? He just... left... with no clue." I said.
But then I thought how could a silly random bat see Jasper, who left without a single clue.
Then I noticed the bat had a collar. Its pendant was a cassette in which you put a paper or a photo inside it. I opened the cassette to discover a small paper carefully placed inside it.
I took the paper out and slowly opened it, and I was not expecting to read what I actually did:

"The bat may be Jasper... or he may be Edgar, Jasper's bat pet.
Don't worry about Jasper. He's safe. He was just very awkward and thought you needed a break from him after this night

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