Chapter 8: Eli

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And, nearly two weeks later now. No spirit haunted me, I tightened my bond with Jasper, my family tried to recover from our dog's loss and I'm getting bombed with assignments and projects.
I was getting out from school with Jasper. It was a Friday, resulting in an end of the week.
"So do you have any plans?" Jasper asked me.
I shrugged. "Well I guess, just drawing and scrolling through internet media... what about you?"
He sighed, getting his words ready. "I discovered an old abandoned house which looks as if it came from the nineteenth century."
"And you want to break its windows and explore it." I suggested.
"Not breaking the windows. I'll check if the door is locked anyhow. Want me to show it to you?" he asked.
I looked at my phone's lock screen. "Sure, let me just talk to my mom that I'll be home later."
I opened my WhatsApp and texted her.

"Heyyyyyyy, I'll come home a bit later cause uhh, I'm hanging out with a friend :))))"

"So where is that house?" I asked.
"Follow me." Jasper said, taking the lead.
We walked on our usual path home, but then when we were ready to getting out of the park, Jasper switched to right and we walked a few streets until we had to turn right and we walked straight to a place with a lot of small houses which seemed to originate from the 19th century. The street was paved, with loads of plants hanging from the houses' walls.
Me and Jasper walked to the end of that street. There were two paths. One was leading in a bush with lots of flowers and the other was leading to a gate. Jasper went to the gate's direction.
"Dude what if there's someone actually living there..." I asked, scared.
"I highly doubt that. This gate is very deteriorated, and plants are already growing on it." Jasper replied.
I shrugged. He opened the gate and we walked in. In front of us there was a large, big Victorian house with loads of architectural ornaments and... a pentagram in the house's center.
We approached it. "Gosh, why does every single old house have a ritualic symbol on it..." I mumbled.
"Perhaps it may be for scaring your mum or something?" Jasper said and we both laughed.
"Seriously though..." I said. We were in front of the entrance, so we climbed the stairs leading to the door inside the house.
Jasper tried the doors again. "Yep. They're locked." He said and then searched for something in his backpack. He then took out a rusty key, with a sword shape. Except it wasn't a sword... where it should've been the upper part of the handle, there was some sort of... oval, and to the part where it should've been the sword's peak, there was a normal key.
Jasper took the key and tried fitting it inside the lock. Surprisingly it opened. He rose his eyebrows, surprised. "Wow... it looked so rusty I thought it would either not open or keep the key inside."
I nodded. Then I remembered something. "Hey, you said you'd just show me the house from the outside, not explore it." I said.
Jasper sketched a smile, then whispered to my ear:
"Here. This midnight. Don't be late." He said.
I blinked two times, trying to process what he just told me.
"So you're telling me to-" I began saying, but when I turned around, Jasper was gone. Now I was sitting alone at the entrance of a house I didn't even know existed.

Jasper's POV

It didn't take me long to get back to my apartment. Sometimes I wonder how do I confuse people so easily too.
"Did he even hear me?" I thought. When I could find that house again, I couldn't believe my eyes. I must explore it to see if things stood the same.
I jumped in my bed. The sun was setting already. I opened my phone to see if Eli texted me anything. To my surprise he did.

"Man, idk what plans u have but I'm not going anywhere this midnight."

I sighed. I wanted to explore that house with someone and he was my only option.

"why tho? It's important for me.. it's uh. Personal reasons, and I want to see if things are still the same with it."

He texted me back: ".. hey! I have an idea. U can go explore it by urself today and tmr I go w u!"

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