Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"As we go through our auction, I will give you a little insight on our eligible bachelors before we start the bidding. Let's start with our biggest start of the night! I'm a little biased because he is my nephew," Hunter paused as the room erupted into applause.

Whistles and catcalls were heard from all directions but mainly I heard my family. They are my biggest fans, the best cheerleaders and my support system. I wouldn't be here without them. Looking at the other side of the room, I look at Lowe and she's just sitting there. No applause, no support. She's just looking at me.

"Easton Bradford is The Franchise Quarterback of the team. He is six foot three inches tall and a solid two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle. Yes, ladies, he does have an eight pack!" She brags, grinning when there are several more screams and whistles.

"I can verify that!" Sasha called out, embarrassing me and ticking off my Mom. Dad wraps his arm around her and kisses the side of her head.

Dad whispered something to Mom that had her looking over at Lowe. Grandma is watching her too. Why? Lowe is just sitting there. It's not like she's responding to any of this. Rae and Georgia have their heads together again and are texting on one of their phones to someone.

When I look at Lowe again she is getting her phone out and looking at it with a deep frown. Looking back and forth I put it together. The girls are talking to Lowe. Of course they are. They're three peas in a pod.

"Easton is a California boy at heart. He loves the beach, surfing and spends plenty of time with his family and friends. As a Bradford heir, he keeps his feet on solid ground and is very approachable and down to earth. He loves children and appreciates his fans. Most of all he respects and cares for his boss and family friend, Harlowe Segler. Their close relationship has bloomed over the years of knowing each other and Easton would do anything for her." Hunter looks directly at Sasha and glares at her.

I didn't know she didn't like Sasha! I know why I don't, but I thought Hunter liked her. Looking back at Lowe, I almost thought she was crying. The look on her face made me think she was really upset about something.

What the hell happened?

I want to leave the stage and go to her. I start to take a step out of line but Cooper grabs my arm and tugs me back.

"What are you doing? You can't abandon us," Coop whispered as he pulled me back in line.

"Something is wrong with Lowe. I want to make sure she is okay," I explained but I can't go anywhere. Thanks to Hunter, the bidding was beginning.

Sasha is still on her feet looking at me then Lowe. As if she thinks Lowe is competition for her. Sasha doesn't have a chance in hell of getting back together with me. Even if she wins the bidding, I won't go out with her.

"Let's start the bidding for Easton at... "

"One million dollars!" Sasha called out, waving her bidding sign in the air so everyone knows who is making the bid.

"We aren't starting that high, Sasha. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, we will be starting bids at ten thousand dollars." Hunter dismissed Sasha's bid and literally looked over her and accepted a different bid.

Higher and higher, one bid after another came in. Women were standing up at their tables and holding up their bid signs. Hunter called out each bid, "twenty thousand, thirty thousand, one hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!" Sasha yelled, furious that she was being ignored.

"Two hundred fifty thousand!" My head jerked to the other side of the room and saw Georgia on her feet bidding for me.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Where stories live. Discover now