Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I didn't understand the secrecy but I accepted the directions from Peyton and allowed her to go back to the auction without me. I didn't feel like participating anymore and honestly didn't want to be there without Lowe. She was the only reason I was here anyway.

Pulling out my phone, I decided to look up the mystery address Peyton gave me and try to figure out who I was meeting. Pulling it up on my maps, I still have no clue who this is. Or why they bid so much money on me. I'm not worth that much.

Curious now, I wonder if it was Lowe. She was there just before Peyton started bidding. Could she have been bidding for her daughter? It's possible. Lowe has been waiting for me for a long time.

Turning around to leave I nearly knocked over Sasha as she had snuck up behind me. Grabbing her shoulders and keeping her at arm's length, I knew she would have stepped into me and taken advantage of the moment.

"I knew you would be out here waiting for me. Why don't we sneak out of here and I can show you what a real date is, lover?" Sasha stroked her fingers up my chest and started to unbutton my shirt.

"Uh, no! Sorry, I can't do that," I replied, taking her hands off me. "Sasha, you really should go back inside. I'm leaving. I have an appointment I have to get to."

"What kind of appointment do you have this late at night? And on a Saturday night. Really Easton, you don't have to play this game with me. We both know that you want to be with me. And there's no reason why you can't be. Unless you have a commitment to some woman I know nothing about," she probed for information she wasn't going to get.

I'm not going to tell her anything about Lowe. She doesn't need to know and I'm not giving her a reason to screw this up for me. I've done enough damage to what I'm wanting to have with Lowe. I don't need any help from her.

"Peyton asked me to help her out with something," I explained, it's not a complete lie. "I said I would. It's a family thing."

Not that Sasha is going to believe me or care that it's about the family. She never did want anything to do with the family. It was always about her. Her time, her needs, her wants, her spotlight.

There's a very good reason why I broke up with her. She doesn't understand what family means. That's a necessity to being a Bradford. You will never be able to be accepted by anyone in this family if you don't respect the rules of Georgia Bradford and her family.

"I'll go with you," she insisted again, stepping closer to me.

Stepping back, I noticed that we weren't alone in the garden anymore. Some press had followed her out, probably at her insistence and were taking pictures of us. Great! This is just what I need to fix things with Lowe.

"No!" I said that louder than necessary, making Sasha jump. "I said I wasn't interested in getting back together with you, Sasha! You need to accept that!"

It was enough to get my point across not just to her but to the press. I'm not getting into trouble with a woman who only wants one thing from me. I have bigger plans for my future with a woman who is much more complicated.

Leaving Sasha and her following in the garden, I headed out for my car. I have a woman to meet. Going out to the dark parking lot, I find I'm not alone and have company waiting at my car. Once again another person who is keeping me from getting to Lowe.

"You're going to find her, aren't you?" Max slurs his words a bit as he leans against my car.

Well something happened tonight for him to get sloshed. Max isn't the kind of guy who gets drunk at every event. Especially when there's this much press. He is more careful than that. Which tells me that something more happened.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin