32. Hearing her voice again

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The Lambo tears down the crowded highway, Raphaelle glances over at me every other millisecond just to make sure I'm fine. 

"I'm sorry about this, but I can't have the police following me, I gotta get rid of them," Raphaelle mutters, his voice low against the loud hum of the road. I'm scared, holding onto my seatbelt for dear life. "What if they catch on? What if we get pulled over? They'll t-take you," I usher out in panic. 

He chuckles loudly, "you think that broken engine can outbeat this baby? Don't insult my car like that."

I scream as he pushes on the engine, accelerating, "daddy!" 

"I know how to drive, baby. I used to race as a teenager. Trust me, you're fine."

I feel my tears built up, the sirens closing in then fading, then closing in again. I hate this.

"Bambina, it's fine," he says calmly, "I'mma take off the highway soon, take a sharp turn, one they won't expect. I'll lose them in about two minutes. Can you be strong for daddy and hold on for two minutes?"

I nod, "I'll try," I reply, choking.  

"That's my good girl," he praises. 

Raphaelle tightens his grip on the steering wheel, and my tears escape from my eyes. 

I know he says he knows how to drive a car, but inside me, I'm preparing for my own death.

Two minutes feel far too long, and I scream out in fear as he makes the sharp unexpected turn. Looking back I see that they did indeed not expect it, and is lost. We're off the highway, they're still on it. He slows down on the pedal.

"Bambina, breathe," he says, as calm as ever. I on the other hand, am far from calm.

"Do you want me to find a place to stop? Get you something to drink?"

"No, it's okay." I know he's got places to be. I don't wanna be perceived as on obstacle. I know what happens then... people try to ruin things.

"Was that a lie?" he asks, anger and disappointment present as he speaks.

"I'll be fine" I say.

"Two lies in a row? Do you want a punishment?"

He turns, and parks up by a convenient store close by. 

"How many times have I told you not to lie to me?" 

"Many," I sigh. 

"Then why do you still think I accept your white lies? Hm? Bambina, no lying."

He unfastens my seatbelt, pulling me onto his lap. "When are you gonna learn? Do I have to be stricter with you? Is that what you need? Is that what you want?" 

I shake my head.

"Then why?"

I turn to the buttons on his shirt, playing with them, "I-you... I don't wanna be on obstacle."

 He chuckles, a disappointed sound. "An obstacle?"

I nod. 

He sighs, "you could never fucking be an obstacle, okay?"

"Not to you..."

He lips presses into a thin line. "Then to who?"

"Your men..."

He shakes his head, chuckling with a sigh. "They're dead if they even think of you like that." 

He's silent for a few seconds, calming his fury. "Bambina, you might be my little baby, my baby-princess, but to them you're the queen of the hierarchy. Nobody disrespects the queen. It's a golden rule."

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