33. Dumb decision

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We pull into the driveway at home, and I'm tired, exhausted, emotional. I'm everything all at once. But I have Raphaelle. I don't have to be anything I'm not. I don't have to smile like it's all good, when it isn't it. He accepts me as I am. And I'm overly grateful for that right now. 

He turns off the engine and turns to me, his gaze softening as he brushes a stray hair from my face. "Bath then bed. I'll sleep with you tonight. And then I'll drive you to school tomorrow. Okay?"

I nod, offering him a small weak smile. "Thank you, Daddy. I'm sorry I've cried so much. I don't mean to hurt you."

He leans in to press a gentle kiss to my lips. "I know you aren't. But it's okay. No need to apologize for feeling what you feel."

With that, he steps out of the car and over to my side, picking me up bridal style. And then we make our way into the house. 

I'm so very grateful for the love and protection Raphaelle provides me. So very grateful.

I bury my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent of citrus and musk. It's like a warm blanket, wrapping around me. 

"You don't have to hide in there, bambina. Let that little girl out. Let yourself breathe and be happy for the rest of the night. Let daddy care for you."

Sometimes it's hard to articulate what's going on inside me, but Raphaelle makes words almost feel unnecessary. He just gets it. He gets me. And he knows what to say, what I need, before I'm aware that I need it. It's honestly uncanny. 

He carries me up the stairs effortlessly, like I weigh nothing at all, but he's muscled up from head to toe. He could carry an elephant without a struggle, I'm sure. 

He gently sets me down on the chair in the far corner in the bathroom. "I'll get your bath ready. You just relax in the meanwhile."

I manage a faint smile, "thanks, Daddy."

As I sink into the warm, fragrant water, I let out a long, shaky breath. It's amazing how something as simple as a bath can be so soothing. 

"Duckies?" He asks, making me nod. 

And I smile as I see him bring a glittery bath bomb as well. "You think this will help my little girl come out from hiding?" 

"M-maybe," I whisper, my eyes lost at the sparkly ball in his hands. 

Raphaelle chuckles softly, his eyes warm with affection. "Well, let's give it a try then. I'd do anything to replace those tears with a smile."

He drops the bath bomb into the water, and immediately, colorful swirls dance around, transforming the plain water into a mesmerizing display of hues. It's like a mini fireworks show in the bathtub, and boom, I forget all about the weight on my shoulders.

Raphaelle watches me with a tender expression, his gaze never leaving my face.

"You liked that one?" he asks softly 

I smile, reaching for the duckies floating in the water, "yes, daddy."

I meet his gaze, "fank you, daddy." 

He reaches out to gently stroke my cheek, "you're welcome, bambina."

I play with the duckies, losing myself in the play. Raphaelle sits there, observing me. His gaze is soft and warm, and I feel entirely comfortable under his gaze. 

And as the water gradually cools, Raphaelle helps me out of the bathtub, wrapping me in a fluffy towel before drying me off.  "Let's get those beautiful teeth of yours clean, hm?" 

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