40. Birthday B..

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I roll over, my fingers gracing his beard softly. Today might be my favorite day in the world. Today is the day the love of my life was born. And he's sleeping peacefully, completely unaware about the plans we've made for him. He has no idea about the whole racing thing. I hope he'll like that surprise. I hope he'll enjoy this day as much as I'm already enjoying it. 

I slip out of bed, careful not to wake him. Today is all about him, and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes what's in store. 

I tiptoe around the room, gathering things for the day ahead, I can't help but reflect on the past month. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, from shame and doubt to newfound happiness. And I owe it all to him. Fighting my past hasn't been easy, but it has been necessary. Not just for us but for myself. And I'm not entirely where I should be, where I wanna be, but I'm getting there. And it wouldn't have been possible without his help. All I know is that I love him. And I want him the best. What kind of person would I be if I wished for anything else?

And now, here I am, happier than I've ever been, with someone who makes me feel alive in ways I never thought possible.

I head downstairs where chef is already in the heat of making breakfast. Chicken wraps, mingling with the scent of fresh coffee.

When Raphaelle finally wakes up, I greet him with a smile and a kiss. He looks at me with sleepy eyes, and I can see the confusion flicker across his face as he remembers what day it is.

"Happy birthday, daddy," I say.

His eyes light up with excitement digs into his breakfast. I watch him with joy, feeling grateful for this moment, for him.

"Buon compleanno," Chiara says to her brother. 

"Grazie," he replies. 

After breakfast, we head out to the car, and he has no clue on why we're insisting on him driving us somewhere. I know he'd never let Chiara drive his car anyway. He doesn't trust that thing with anyone.

"I have no idea what funny business you two have scrapped up together, but I swear to God, if you're making me drive you to a Mcdonald's in the middle of fucking nowhere, on my birthday, if all you want is a cheeseburger... I'mma have  you shipped off back to Catania, Chiara."

I grin at him, "what about me?"

Is he telling me he'd let me off the hook?

"What about you?"

"You'd let me off the hook?"


"But, huh?"

He chuckles. "Funny you think you're spontaneous enough to cook up something like that."

"I'm spontaneous!" I argue. 

They chuckle in unison. 

"With all due respect baby. You're not. And I thank fuck for that."

We arrive at the MCDonald's that isn't really a MCDonald's, but a race track. We had Giancarlo hack the map. He's good at that. And I should feel bad for having contributed to initiating something criminal, but I'm not. It's to make Raphaelle happy. To celebrate him. 

Raphaelle's eyes sparkle with joy as he takes in the scene before him, car closing in on the track, all the people waiting for him. For a moment, I forget about everything else—the struggles, the doubts, the fears. It's just him. My days begins and ends with him. He's my absolute everything. 

"Did you guys?" He begins, lost for words. He shakes his head, gazing at me with nothing but love, "I fucking love you."

I smile, feeling warmth spread through my chest. He leans in and presses a kiss to my lips, his lips lingering for a moment longer than usual. I feel a rush of affection wash over me, grateful for this man who has brought so much light into my life. "Thank you, baby."

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