45. Disneyland

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I stir awake from my night's worth of sleep, daddy's arms wrapped up around me like a protective shield. The morning light creeps in through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. It's another day in the little world of Raphaelle, where life moves at its own pace, and everything bows at his feet. I don't have a single thing to worry about when I'm with him.

I can hear the faint sound of Paris coming to life outside—birds chirping, the distant rumble of cars, and people presumably yelling at their dogs to stop barking. 

Daddy stirs beside me, his deep voice rumbling as he yawns and stretches. "Morning, baby," he says, kissing my neck softly. "Did you sleep good?"

I nod. "I did," I reply. 

"That's good" he murmurs against my skin. "I'd stay like this forever, but I have a second surprise for you today," he states, "so, we gotta get up and eat." 

I furrow my brows. Another surprise? 

Daddy notices my confusion and chuckles softly. "You're adorable, baby. Now, give daddy a kiss. Maybe you'll another clue in reward for it." 

I don't hesitate. Actually, now I'm hasty to kiss him. I flip over, so that I'm facing him, planting my lips upon his, kissing him soft and hard. 

As our lips part I look at him expectantly, "clue?"

"Well," he begins tracing gentle fingers down my neck, "there's a mouse there." His fingers brushes down my neck to my collar bone, "and a duck," he continues. 

Mouse, duck, teacups. My eyes pop, "Disneyland!" 

Daddy's jaw tightens, his expression grim as he smacks my bum hard. I pout. Owwie. 

"Don't scream in daddy's ear," he mutters sharply, shaking his head in disbelief. "I thought daddy's little girl was a good girl."

I pout, "I am a good girl."

Daddy cups my chin reassuringly, "you are. I was just kidding," he says, his voice steady and strong. "But inside voices, bambina. No screaming in daddy's ear. That shit hurts."

I nod, my eyes still wide with excitement. Disneyland! The happiest place on earth. The image of Mickey Mouse and Cinderella dancing in my head. 

"We can ride all the rides and meet all the characters, right?"

Daddy's lips twitch in what might be a smile, but it's gone before I can be sure.

"Mhmm," he says, his tone unreadable. "Anything you want."

I frown, sensing that there's more to his words than meets the eye. "But why there, daddy? Why now?"

Daddy's gaze softens, a rare vulnerability flickering in his eyes before he blinks it away. "Because you deserve a little magic in your life," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "Especially now."

I swallow past the lump in my throat, suddenly understanding that there's a weight to his words that goes deeper than a simple trip to Disneyland. Something's up. Bad. I just know it. 

"But why now?" I press, unable to shake the feeling that there's something he's not telling me.

Daddy's expression tightens, his fingers clenching into fists before he forces them to relax. "No questions." 

I reach out tentatively, laying a hand on his arm. "Daddy..."

But before I can say anything else, he's already pulling away, his mask firmly back in place.

"No questions," he repeats briskly, his voice devoid of emotion. "Up, brush your teeth."

I scramble to my feet, the unease lingering like a heavy fog in the air. Daddy's sudden seriousness sends a chill down my spine, but I push it aside, focusing instead on the excitement of our impending adventure.

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