C h a p t e r 1

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Hello everyone. Welcome to Made For You. A little Dramione project of mine. I decided to write this book to improve my writing, and to defeat the demon of boredom. I hope you will enjoy reading it, just as much as I enjoy writing it. Feel free to comment, vote and give constructive criticism. Suggestions are always welcome.

I do not own any of the characters. All rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros.

Here is chp. 1. Enjoy!


Hermione was in the sitting room with her parents watching the news on the telly. However her mind was not focused on the screen. The window was open so she just calmly listened to the sounds of nature.

These peaceful moments were her way of escaping the drama of the past few months. Repairing the British Wizarding World. Attending trials, giving testimonies. Constantly having her and her best friends making headlines in The Daily Prophet.

She glanced over at her parents. She had missed them so much when she was on the run. And now they were here right in front of her.

If it were not for Harry and Ron helping her plead her case with the Ministry for assistance. She does not know how she would have found them. Or even restored their memories. She was truly grateful for her best friends.

Spending the past few months with her parents had been helpful in distracting her from the horrors of the war. She finally felt like a child again after the last few months from hell that she endured. And her parents were of course doting on her.

"Mum are the biscuits finished?" she asked.

"I think there are still a few left. Unless your father finished them all."

Her dad looked outraged. "Blindly throwing out accusations are we Jean?"

Her mum laughed. "If the shoe fits Henry."

Hermione smiled at the banter. And walked to the kitchen. She opened the biscuit tin and took two out.

She placed the tin back. And bit into a biscuit. Another thing she was grateful for is good food. If one thing came from the camping, was that she and her friends could probably survive the apocalypse. She finished the biscuit in two more bites.

"Hermione dear." her mom called out.

Hermione broke her train of thought and poked her head out of the kitchen. "Yes mum?" she said.

"There's an owl at the window."

She looked towards the window. A brown screech owl with brilliant yellow eyes was standing on the ledge looking in. She stood up to go to it and the owl flew in and landed on the kitchen counter. She removed the letter and the owl flew out.

"Who's it from?" her dad asked curiously.

"It's from Hogwarts." Hermione answered happily.

She quickly opened it up and pulled out the letter.


Dear Miss Granger

You have been invited to complete your seventh year of school at Hogwarts this year.

I am also pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as the Head Girl for this year.

A position I know you will do wonderfully in. Further information regarding your duties will be given to you upon your arrival at Hogwarts.

Enclosed you will find your Head Girl Badge and book list for the year. Please send your response before August 31st.

Congratulations once again. I hope to see you on September 1st.

Professor M McGonagall


Hermione scanned through the letter again. What!? She was Head Girl! This was crazy!

She took the badge out examining it. It was a glossy scarlet shield, with a gold scroll running across it on which the words Head Girl stood.

"Mum, Dad. I'm Head Girl!" she exclaimed gleefully.

"Really Hermione?" her mom asked with widened eyes.

She nodded vigorously.

"Oh honey congratulations!" her mum said going over to hug her.

"I am very proud of you Hermione dear. Look at how much you have achieved at just 18." her dad said smiling.

"You are going to be a fantastic Head Girl." her mom beamed.

"Thank you so much mum and dad, I'm gonna go owl the others!" she shouted already bolting up the stairs.

"Dinner is in an hour." her mom shouted up the stairs.


She entered her room, and walked across to her desk. She bit into her biscuit and sat down. She started writing a joint letter to Harry, Ron and Ginny, knowing that they're all together at the Burrow. She entailed everything about McGonagall's letter and also confirmed when they'll be meeting up at Diagon Alley to buy their school supplies.

She finished the rest of the biscuit. And started writing a response to Professor McGonagall's letter.

She walked over to the open cage next to her wardrobe. She had finally decided to get an owl of her own. A brown great horned owl, with very stern amber eyes. She named him Apollo. Since she had a great love for Greek Mythology.

Hermione tied the letters to Apollo's leg. "Take this to the Burrow please, then Hogwarts okay."

The owl hooted and flew out the window.


Hermione was lying on her bed when she heard pecking on her window. She walked over opening the window and Apollo flew in landing on her desk. She untied the letter from his leg.

"Thank you Apollo." she smiled.

He gave a hoot and flew to his cage where he helped himself to some owl treats.

She opened the letter excitedly.


Dear Hermione

Congratulations on becoming Head Girl Herms, nobody deserves this more than you. I'm quidditch captain again. We were thinking that you come to the Burrow with your stuff then we can go to Diagon Alley together, also makes it simpler for when we go to Kings Cross. ~Harry

Mione, I can't believe you're Head Girl, I'm super happy for you. Ron and I are prefects this year. Can't wait to see you. Luna and I have so much gossip for you. ~Ginny

Congrats Mione, does this now mean that I have bragging rights that my best friend is the Head Girl, just joking. Who's the Head Boy, I hope he's cool. Miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you. ~Ron

P.S Percy says congratulations. Bill, Charlie, Mum and Dad too.

P.P.S George says you should loosen up this year.


She laughed folding and placing the letter on the end table. She sighed her mind going back to the question that Ron asked that she hadn't even asked herself.

Who was the Head Boy?


And that was the first chapter. What do you guys think?


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