C h a p t e r 16

39 2 1


Hermione woke up with a pounding headache. Something heavy was resting on her legs.

'What happened?' she asked herself.

She rubbed her eyes and  looked at her surroundings.

Livía was clinging tightly to a pillow. Daphne's legs were on her own legs. Pansy was laying sprawled on the floor, snoring. Ginny's top half was dangling off the bed.

Hermione moved Daphne's legs off and she woke up.

"Theo I told you it's Girls Night today."

Hermione frowned. Daphne blinked and looked at Hermione.

"You're not Theodore."

"Obviously. I'm Hermione."

"And I'm hungover."

They giggled

"SHUT UP!" said a voice from the floor.

"Sorry." Daphne shouted and clapped her hands over her mouth.

"You guys are doing this on purpose." Pansy scolded.

"Where... am... I?" Ginny asked.

"Slytherin girls dormitory."

"Okay thank you."

"Guys what time is it?" Livía asked.

Hermione looked at her wrist. "Twelve forty."

"Ugggghhhhh. I feel horrible." Daphne said.

"Same here." Ginny said.

"We should get freshened up. Let's go shower." Hermione said.

"Ten more minutes." Ginny shouted.

"Don't shout Weasley my ears." Pansy snapped.


When the girls walked into the Great Hall all eyes were on them. Despite freshening up they still looked rough.

"So where are we sitting?" Pansy asked.

"Gryffindor table." Ginny said and walked off.

The rest followed behind her and sat down. The occupants of Gryffindor table gave them funny looks but they shrugged it off.

"Why is everyone so loud? It's a Sunday, Sundays should always be peaceful." Pansy scowled.

"We shouldn't have drank all that firewhisky." Daphne whined.

"I will never drink again." Ginny said grabbing a sandwich.

"How are you eating right now Gin? I'm about to throw up from looking at the food." Daphne said.

"Me too." Hermione said.

"Atleast drink some water Daph. You're gonna be dehydrated." Ginny said.

Livía groaned, as she held her head in her hands. "I'm gonna go sleep. I still have to meet up with Ron later." She stood up to leave. "See you at dinner girls."

"Bye Liv." they chorused.

"And I'm gonna go throw up." Daphne said jumping from her seat and running out of the Great Hall.

"And then there were three." Hermione said.

"After this I'm demanding cuddles from Blaise. My head feels like it's been split open."

"Have some sausages love. You need the salt." Ginny said.

Pansy looked at Ginny thankfully, and grabbed a sausage.

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