C h a p t e r 7

24 2 0

I don't own any of the characters. Except Livía. All rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros.


The train started to slow down. Hermione and Draco walked out of the compartment and headed towards the train doors.

"Ladies first." Draco said flashing Hermione a smile.

"Why thank you kind sir." she said giggling.

They walked over to the first years escorting them to Hagrid.

"Yer alrigh' there Hermione?" Hagrid said.

"Absolutely great Hagrid."

Hagrid smiled at her. "Tha's wonderful."

She turned over to Draco. "We should find a carriage."

"Let's go to that one." Draco said pointing to one of the two remaining carriages.

They walked to it, and she climbed in first. She sat down and looked up to see a bunch of Slytherins staring right back at her. She blinked and looked over to Draco who had just sat down.

"Hey gang." Draco said.

"Hi." they chorused.

"Everybody here obviously knows Granger, Granger this is Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Daphne."

"Ummm hi guys." Hermione said awkwardly.

Blaise winked at her, and she remembered what happened earlier in the train.

"Hi Hermione, I love what you did with your nails." Daphne said smiling.

Hermione blushed. "Thank you Daphne."

"How did you get them like that?" Pansy inquired.

"Ohhh it's just some nail polish."

Pansy looked confused. "What is nail polish?"

"Muggle girls use it to paint on their nails, and you can get them in different colours." Hermione explained.

"Well you have to do mine, pretty please!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Mine too." Pansy added.

"No problem." Hermione smiled.

"How many colours do you have?" Pansy asked.

"Quite a few. I'll show you when I do your nails."

"I think I'll do black." Pansy said.

"Shocker." Blaise sneered. Pansy smacked him over the head.

Draco grinned.

"I was thinking of orange or maybe violet." Daphne said.

"My next colour will be blue. But I'm not one hundred percent sure." Hermione said looking at her hand.


Draco looked at her talking to his friends. Even if it was just the girls it still made him somewhat happy. He looked up to see Blaise smirking at him. He shot him a glare and looked out the carriage window.


The Hogwarts students were sitting in the Great Hall waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin.

"Mione where were you when we arrived at Hogsmeade?"


Professor Flitwick who was standing on a tiny stool cleared his throat.

"The sorting ceremony will now commence." he squeaked.

The sorting hat started to sing. Hermione noticed it was the same song it sung their first year. She almost felt like crying when she remembered that it was her last year at Hogwarts.

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