C h a p t e r 9

31 2 0

Hey there. Apologies for the late update, life happened. But I'm back.

Just in case you maybe have short term memory loss. I don't own any of the characters. Except Ms Alves, (I don't really own anybody, that's weird.) All rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros.

Okay enough of me. Enjoy the chapter.


After dinner, Hermione accompanied Livía and Ginny to Gryffindor tower.

"Six older brothers, you're joking!" Livía exclaimed.

Ginny laughed. "Nope, and two of them are major pranksters. Well I guess it's five brothers now."

She looked sad for a moment, and Hermione knew that Fred's death was still an open wound. It seemed like Livía understood because she didn't ask any questions.

"I feel like you are very lucky Hermione, no siblings at all." Livía said.

"Hey it gets pretty lonely at home sometimes, that's why I'm always with my friends." Hermione said grinning.

"Tomorrow you are telling us all about Castelobruxo Livía." Ginny said.

Livía nodded her head. "Well of course, and I can't wait to learn more about Hogwarts."

"I have to run ladies, we will have to continue this conversation tomorrow." Hermione said.

"Have a great night Hermione." Livía said smiling.

Hermione smiled gave her a hug. Livía hugged her back tightly.

"Say goodnight to Malfoy for me." Ginny laughed.

Hermione stuck her tongue out at Ginny and turned to walk away. She climbed the stairs up to the seventh floor and ran to their common room.


She found Draco leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was staring absentmindedly at the portrait opposite the wall he was leaning on.

At the sound of her approaching footsteps he turned to look at her.

"I'm so sorry you had to wait, I was just accompanying Livía to Gryffindor tower." Hermione said breathlessly.

"No stress Head Girl, I mean you were doing your duty for a fellow Gryffindor."

Hermione smiled. " Yeah I suppose if she was sorted into Slytherin you'd do the same."

"And if she was sorted into another house?" Draco asked.

"Then we'd both accompany her."

Draco smiled at her and Hermione blushed and looked away her eye catching the portrait entrance.

"I guess we have to come up with the password right."

"Umm yeah, did you have something in mind?"

"Hippogriff." Hermione said grinning.

Draco scowled. "Real witty Granger."

Hermione laughed. "Ohhh whatever Malfoy, you know you love it."

"Do I really get much of a choice here Granger?"

"No you don't."

Draco sighed and rolled his eyes.

After confirming the password with the portrait they walked into the common room.

Hermione 1 : Draco 0


The Head Prefects walked into a beautiful, fully furnished common room.

Colours of silver and gold decorated the room, with hints of ruby and emerald scattered here and there.

Two mahogany bookshelves lined the right wall, with a fire place directly in the middle. There was a huge window on the left side and two oak desks stood infront of it. The desks had ink pots, parchment and quills on top of them.

There sat a set of brown leather couches in front of the fireplace, with red and green scatter cushions on them. In the centre of the couches a large wooden table stood perched on top of a black fluffy rug.

Behind the couches there was a staircase on the right side of the room that led to the bedrooms. The bathroom was underneath the staircase.

Hermione walked up the stairs and into the first room: it was scarlet and gold themed.

With a huge four-poster bed in the middle. That had maroon curtains. There were brown end tables on either side of the bed. A large maroon shaggy rug on was laid out on the floor. An elegant birch wood wardrobe stood on the left side of the bed. Next to a huge window, that had silk maroon curtains draped over it.

She opened the door that was on the right side of the room. And she found an emerald and silver version of the room she just walked out of. The occupant of the room was nowhere to be found.

Hermione walked out of the room and down the stairs. She found Malfoy standing by the bookshelf and she made herself comfortable on the couch.

Draco's voice broke the silence. "You know, this is a pretty neat set up."

"Yeah it is, I absolutely love it."

"I mean we might as well be comfortable while being the best Head Prefects Hogwarts has ever seen." he said flashing her a smile.

She smiled back at him.
"When are we sorting out the patrol pairs?" Draco asked.

"Let's do them now, we'll be too busy tomorrow."

"For all twenty-four prefects?"

"Well it's easier if we have the fifth and sixth year prefects patrolling with their fellow house prefect. And then our year we'll pair them up ourselves."

"Okay, I like it." he said walking over to the study area. "If we let our year patrol like that I don't think Blaise and Pansy will be doing a lot of patrolling."

Hermione laughed.

He sat down and pulled some parchment towards him. He took a quill dipped it in ink and looked at Hermione.

"Okay so the Slytherin prefects, like I said are Blaise and Pansy."

"In Gryffindor we have Ginny and Ron. Hufflepuff we have Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott. And in Ravenclaw we have Padma Patil and Terry Boot."

"I'm thinking that Blaise should be paired up with Weaslette."

Hermione glared at him. "Her name is Ginny, Malfoy."

Draco smirked playfully. "Okay okay fine, I won't call her Weaslette. We'll pair Weasley with Pansy." Draco said writing down the names.

"I'm thinking Ernie and Padma."

"Then that leaves Boot with Abbott." Draco said. "We'll obviously patrol together."

Hermione seemed to have forgotten that they were going to be patrolling together.

"Umm, yeah." she said scratching her neck.

"Alright and who's patrolling where?"

Hermione bit her lip. "Um how about the fifth years patrol the first two floors. The sixth years will do the third and fourth and we'll do the fifth and sixth."

"That's fine by me. I guess we're done now."

Hermione yawned. "Yay done, we'll tell them tomorrow after breakfast. I'm heading to bed."

Hermione stood up walking up the stairs. Draco followed behind her.

They reached the top and walked to their bedroom doors.

"Well goodnight Granger." Draco smiled.

Hermione smiled back. "Goodnight Malfoy."


Look at them already working together.

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