C h a p t e r 6

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I'm back with some Dramione action. I hope you guys enjoy.

Don't forget. I don't own any of the  characters. All rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros.


Draco was sitting in the prefect's compartment with Hermione Granger. And they were having an actual conversation. No insults or snide remarks. A proper conversation.

"Now I'm warning you Malfoy, don't let me catch you abusing your power." Hermione said with a stern voice."Unless you want a repeat of third year."

Draco quickly thought back to when she punched him. That was painful. And not only to his face, but to his ego as well.

"Noted. I wouldn't want to be called a 'foul loathsome cockroach'. Merlin's Beard Granger, that comment hurt more than the punch." He said in mock offence.

She laughed. "Well if the shoe fits wear it Malfoy."

"You know what Granger. You are one scary woman, I'm sure Potter and Weasley are terrified of you."

"Ginny and I keep them well in line." Hermione said smugly.

"Weasley sure is lucky to have you as his girlfriend."

She suddenly looked down. "Yeah uh, Ron and I aren't together."

"Ohhh, er... sorry."

Great, now he felt stupid mentioning that.

"Yeah we decided that we're better off as friends." Hermione said.

"I'm just saying whoever wins over the War Heroine's heart will be the luckiest guy ever." Draco said grinning at her.

She smiled. "Thank you Malfoy."

He smiled back. "Anytime Granger."

"Now I'm curious, who has captured Draco Malfoy's  heart?"

"No one as of lately."

Hermione seemed shocked. "Really? A handsome guy like you." she said.

Draco smirked at her. "Handsome huh, well Granger if I didn't know better I'd say you liked me."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "You wish Malfoy, I was just stating the obvious."

Malfoy slid over to her. "Is that right?"

Hermione looked at him. "Are you sure it's not you who likes me Malfoy?"

He leaned closer to her face.  "Nope it's definitely you."

The compartment door slid open and they jumped apart. Blaise Zabini stood there with a huge smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, we were just wondering why you were taking so long Draco."

"I'm still talking to the Head Girl." Draco said glaring at Blaise.

"Oh you're talking, right. Forgive me your Headship don't mind me I'll just be leaving. Please do continue."

Blaise closed the door with one final smirk at Draco.

Draco looked at Hermione. "Sorry about him. He's an idiot."

Hermione shook her head with a smile. "No worries. You still haven't told me why you're single."

"I guess I haven't met someone that I truly connect with. Like an emotional connection, not just physical. Someone that gets me. Who doesn't just see me as a Malfoy. Or as a Death Eater. Someone who just sees me as Draco."

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