C h a p t e r 2

75 2 3

Here is chp.2

Enjoy reading.

Once again I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros.


Draco looked at McGonagall's letter dumbfounded and placed it on his bed. She made him Head Boy. Damn!

To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Sure his mother had talked him into going back to Hogwarts, but he wasn't sure if he could handle that much responsibility.

Even though he didn't have confidence issues. He couldn't help but wonder how people would react to him returning. Draco Malfoy the Death Eater. And as Head Boy nonetheless.

He stared out of his bedroom window. It was partly cloudy outside, but still pleasant enough for a stroll through the grounds of his home.

'Yeah I might as well go and tell mother.' he thought to himself.

He slid on his slippers and headed downstairs to his mother's garden. He knew she'd be sitting down there at this time.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs he headed straight for the garden. Narcissa Malfoy was indeed sitting there facing the pond. She was as graceful as ever as she sat and watched the water flowing into the pond.

"Mother." he said announcing his presence.

She turned around smiling warmly. "Draco dear, sit down." she gestured to the chair next to her.

"Orange juice?" She asked lifting up the jug.

"Yes please." he answered quickly, seeing as he was very thirsty.

She poured them each a glass and handed his to him.

"Mother I'm Head Boy." he burst out.

Her eyes widened. "Really Draco, that is wonderful my dear!" she exclaimed.

"It's not a big deal mother, I obviously knew I'd be chosen." Draco said smirking.

Narcissa narrowed her eyes. "I'm sure you did." she answered sarcastically.

They laughed. It was always a treat for Draco seeing his mother laugh, since the past two years had been hell for them. But they had each other then and they have each other now, and that's all that mattered.

"Are you going to tell Lucius?"
she asked carefully.

"I have nothing to say to him" Draco answered coldly.

"Right of course, I just thought you might want to tell him, he'd be happy to know." she said turning her head away.

When the war ended in May, Death Eaters and those with ties to Voldemort were questioned and trialed. Including the Malfoys. They were pardoned due to them changing allegiances at the end. But his mother had had enough of Lucius and his dealings with Death Eaters. She had always supported him and Bellatrix, until it got to the point of Draco being endangered, that's when her eyes finally opened. They left him at the Manor and moved to their own house. Not as large at the Manor but befitting to purebloods Draco guessed.

He didn't hate his father at all. He was just angry that his father's involvement  with Voldemort almost cost him his life. He lived an almost perfect life for 15 years and all that came crashing down with the Dark Lords return. The memories of the horrors he faced, wouldn't be leaving his mind anytime soon.

"I know mother and I'm sorry for snapping, it's just that I don't want to talk to him yet. One day, but not now." Draco said breaking the awkward silence.

"You're right, you'll talk to him when you are ready. Don't worry I'll tell him for you."

"Thank you mother."

"You're welcome darling."

"I'm gonna go owl Theo, Daphne, Blaise and Pansy."

"Alright, I'll see you at dinner." Narcissa answered smiling.

Just then one of the house elves -Sibby- walked into the garden and bowed. "Master, mistress. Master Zabini is here." she squeaked.

Blaise walked in behind Sibby. "Totally unnecessary to announce my presence Sibby. But thank you." he smiled at the house elf.

Sibby bowed again and walked into the house.

"I'm back did you all miss me?" Blaise said grinning.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You were here last week mate."

"Don't mind Draco dear." Narcissa said standing up to hug Blaise.

"Good to see you Aunt Cissy."

"I'm glad to see you too dear. How is Serena doing?"

"Mother is doing well. She actually asked me to remind you that her offer for tea still stands."

Narcissa nodded. "Of course yes, I will owl her. You boys are excused, I'm certain that you came here for Draco, right Blaise?"

Blaise faked a look of shock. "But Aunt Cissy why would you ever think that? I'm so hurt right now."

Narcissa chuckled. "Off you go I have a garden to tend to."

Draco grabbed Blaise's shoulders and steered him inside the house and into the kitchen.

He grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl. And went to go rinse it at the sink.

"Aren't you gonna offer me some comestibles Draco. That's no way to treat a guest."

"You practically live here Blaise. Help yourself. Why didn't Pansy tag along?"

Blaise looked inside the pantry and emerged with a box of Cheery Owls cereal.

"She's at Theo's with Daphne. I came here for a sleepover."

"That's all you ever come here for." Draco drawled.

Blaise winked at him. "Precisely, you are getting quite sharp these days."

"Before I forget. McGonagall made me Head Boy."

"WHAT! Mate that's great." Blaise shouted and went to pat Draco's back.

"If you say so." Draco said shrugging.

"I know you still have some qualms mate. But this is your chance to redeem yourself. And being Head Boy gives you the perfect opportunity."

Draco frowned. He hadn't really seen it like that. But Blaise was right. This was his chance to prove himself.


After dinner Draco and Blaise walked upstairs to their bedrooms.

"Goodnight mate, sleep tight sweet dreams, don't let the bed newts bite."

"Goodnight Blaise."

Blaise laughed and walked into his room.

Draco walked into his room and walked over to the desk. He sat down and quickly wrote three identical letters to his friends.

After carefully tying the letters to Athena, his eagle owl, he sent her out to Theo's house.

Now he started to wonder, Who was Head Girl?


I know who the Head Girl is. (*ha ha ha*)

Anyway I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The Dramione action is only gonna be later on, please bear with me.

Suggestions, votes, criticism and compliments are 100% welcome.


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