C h a p t e r 8

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Continuing from last chapter.



Draco looked at the exchange student sitting at the Gryffindor table. Well of course the Golden Trio jumped to befriend her. 'Typical Gryffindors.' he thought.

"Way to make it obvious mate." Blaise said looking at Draco.

Draco frowned at him. "What are you talking about Blaisy Bear?"

Theo barked out a laugh, but Blaise looked undeterred.

"Well if you keep staring at her that much you might as well take a picture."

Draco shot him a murderous look. If looks could kill...

"Who's Draco staring at?" Daphne asked.

"The Head Girl." Blaise smirked.


"Why yes Daphne, Hermione." Blaise said grinning.

"Oooohhhh Drakey Lakey has a crush." Pansy said in a sing song voice.

"What, no I don't, shut up. I was looking at the new girl." Draco said glaring at the couple in front of him. "And don't ever call me Drakey Lakey, Pansy."

Pansy stuck her tongue out at him.

"Why so defensive mate?" Theo smirked.

Pansy whispered something in Blaise's ear and he laughed. Draco scowled at them.

Daphne giggled. "Awww that's so cute Draco."

"Daphne nothing is cute because I don't have a crush on anybody, especially not Granger okay."

"If you say so." Daphne said in a sing song voice.

Draco rolled his eyes. His friends were idiots.He shook his head, going back to eating his cottage pie.

"So you guys are gonna share a dormitory right?" Daphne asked.

"You better behave yourself in there Draco." Theo sneered.

"Oh I think Hermione will make absolute sure of that." Blaise said sniggering.

They all laughed.

"I'm gonna disown you lot." Draco grumbled.

"Then you'll have plenty of free time to spend with Granger." Theo said laughing.


"So you and Malfoy get along now?" Ginny asked.

"Yep." Hermione said looking at her plate.

Ginny smirked. "And how was your afternoon with him?"

"It was nice, we were just chatting."

"You and Malfoy were chatting?" Harry chimed in.

"I'll believe that when I see it, are you sure you didn't wanna punch him?" Ron added.

"Yes Ronald, I didn't, he sincerely apologised and we called a truce." Hermione said all matter of factly.

"Merlin's Beard this year keeps surprising me." Ron said.

"Ohhh I'm sure it does." Ginny said looking at Livía.

Ron glared at her."Is there a place you can sell little sisters at? I would love to sell mine. She'd probably fetch a couple Galleons."

"I can totally relate, my twin baby sisters are literal little demons." Livía said laughing.

This clearly completely took Ron by surprise. But he quickly composed himself.

He nervously smiled at her. "Well my dear sister Ginevra here is a full grown demon."

Livía and Hermione laughed, while Ginny narrowed her eyes at Ron.

"I haven't used my Bat Bogey Hex in a while, and I'm itching to use it." Ginny said menacingly.

Ron's eyes widened and he looked at Harry, who threw his hands up in mock surrender. "You're on your own mate."

Ron frowned. "Some best friend you are."

"Did I send you to go irritate Ginny? You know better than to poke a sleeping lion mate."


"You can't get enough of her can you? Too bad I interrupted your guys' snog." Blaise smirked.

"You guys snogged?" Theo asked in disbelief.

"No we didn't, Zabini is just being stupid." Draco defended himself.

"If I had walked in a second later."

"You would've found us talking." Draco snapped.

"Nah mate I saw the look in your eyes."

"The look of love I'm sure." Pansy sneered.

Daphne, Theodore and Blaise laughed.

"I'm gonna hex you into the next lifetime Blaise. Keep trying me."

"I'm quaking Malfoy."

"Are you naturally stupid Zabini? Or we're they giving out it out for free and you overdosed?"

Pansy and Theo laughed.

"Real witty of you to resort to insults Draco. But hey love makes us do crazy things." he said shrugging.

"Yes it's evident in the way you clearly act." Draco shot back.

"You're in such a foul mood mate. Maybe Granger can fix it." Theo sneered.

He high fived Blaise. 

"Okay guys break it up. Leave Draco alone now." Daphne said.

"Daph you can't deny that it's hilarious." Theo said.

"Before it was now you're just dragging it.


"No buts Theodore. It's enough."

Theo mumbled something under his breath.

Draco looked at Daphne thankfully. He mouthed her a 'thank you', and she winked at him.


"Hey Mione."

Hermione looked at her friend. "Yes Ginny?"

Ginny looked at the Slytherin table. "How do you think living with Malfoy will be like?"

"I don't know Ginny, I'll have to wait and see."

"Oh okay."

"Why are you asking?"

"Just a little curiosity."

Hermione looked at Ginny suspiciously. Ginny gave her an innocent look. Scarily similar to the ones that Fred and George gave when they were caught.

"Right, curiosity." Hermione said clearly not believing Ginny.


I know it's short, please don't hex me. I'm a bit tired, flu medication does that to you.

Ginny is a queen. Favourite HP character.


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