Marine Biologist

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"You look awfully familiar Lacy." Hayden says eyeing me up and down.

My heart races as I find a response, "I get that a lot."

He leans down to my level to hear every word that I am saying.

"Wait, you're that formula one driver right?"

"Caught me! That would be me."

Oh my gosh why do I feel so nervous?

Well duh Lacy because this cute blonde is talking to you right now.

"Well we've uncovered what my job is but what about you?" I say trying to keep the conversation moving along.

"Well I'm actually a marine biologist part model." He says sheepishly.

"Wow love the duality there," I say with a laugh, "what brings you around here though?"

"Here on a research trip actually but we leave next week."

"I'm sorry I think we moved on from the fact that you're a model a little too quickly." I say trying to still digest all that is happening in this moment.

I haven't really flirted with someone in three years since Dan so I was a little worried about how I was doing talking with him.

"Well I don't know I was on another research trip over in Florida and some agent asked me if I've ever considered modelling and well fast forward and I have a contract with Gucci."

My eyes widen in shock.

"What? Oh my gosh... I'm actually speechless that's insane."

"I'd assume you've got yourself a contract with an agency too right?" He says eyeing me up and down as he takes a sip of his drink.

My breath hitches for a moment but I pull myself together for a response, "yes actually just recently signed with Dior."

He raises his eyebrows and gives an impressed look.

He goes to speak but his eyes then focus on something behind me.

I whip my head around and am caught off guard by Lando standing directly behind me.

"Oh my gosh you scared me." I say with a laugh and putting a hand over my chest.

"He bothering you Lace?" Lando asks looking dead serious at Hayden.

"What?" I say taking a moment to digest what he just said.

I swear every time I talk about Dior I awaken some kind of drama curse.

"No, actually he's not." I say in a sharp tone remembering that I am still mad at him.

"Lando Norris right?" Hayden says reaching out his hand as a gesture to Lando.

"That's me yea." He says still eyeing Hayden up and down.

"I'm Hayden by the way."

There's an awkward silence for a moment as I notice Landos clenched jaw as his gaze subtly darts between Hayden and I with resentment.

"Evelyn go home?" I question Lando trying to break the silence.

"No she's just in the washroom at the moment." He says before shuffling away from Hayden and I.

"I'm sorry about that I think he's just had a bit too much to drink." I say trying to apologize for Landos actions.

"No worries come on follow me." Hayden says as he drags me through the crowd of people but manages to hold on to my hand tight.

He leads me to behind the dj's set up before he daps up the man currently controlling the music that is coursing through everyone's veins.

Hayden points to me and says, "this is Lacy by the way."

"Sup Lacy. You have any song requests?"

I hate being put on the spot with music.

I swear I suddenly forget every song I've ever heard of.

Without thinking I immediately let the words money trees spill out of my mouth.

Hayden then leads me to the dance floor where he begins to spin me around before I feel the familiar hypnotic beat rush through my body.

I wrap my arms around Hayden as we let the music flow through us.

I then peer over Hayden's shoulders over to Landos direction and notice he was already looking at me.

We hold eye contact with each other until I hear the soothing sound of Kendrick's vocals where I am spun around by the half marine biologist half model whom I've spent my night with.

I can't help but feel uneasy with Lando.

Him and I are both thinking back to that one moment in his car flying down the highway to be on time for my first race.

Every once in a while throughout the song I catch glimpses of him gazing in my direction while Evelyn practically hangs on his side never letting go.

"So when do you guys head out for your next race?" Hayden says while locking his eyes with mine.

"Tomorrow morning actually."

"Well hate to break it to you Lacy but it is tomorrow. And it is the morning."

"What? Oh my gosh what time is it?"

He reaches for his phone in his pocket.

I notice how small his hand makes his phone seem as turns on his screen revealing the numbers 4:12.

"Oh my gosh we're supposed to leave at seven. I should start rounding everyone up." I say as I notice Daniel grabbing George and Carmen to leave.

"Wait before you go can I get your number? I'd love to be able to see you again."

I feel the sharp eyes of my teammate on me as I'm talking to Hayden.

Blocking out the world for just a minute I decided to grab out my phone and create a new contact with Hayden's phone number in it.

Daniel gives me a nod pointing towards the door followed by a suspicious smirk looking at Hayden.

"I'll call you Lacy."

"I look forward to that."

"And hope you make it to your flight on time."

I laugh and simply thank him.

Both for his remark and the incredible night that I shared with him.

Our little grid group staggers out of the club after being beat up by the neon lights, loud music, expensive parfume, and of course the uncountable drinks.

"You have a good time?" Liam says while walking out with his arm around some random brunette.

"Surprisingly yes I did." I say smiling down at my phone admiring the photo Hayden and I took to set as each other's contact photos.


Sorry if updates take a little longer to come out I've been a little busy lately but I hope you're enjoying the story so far. We're seeing a little jealous side from that curly headed teammate.

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