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It's been a solid week since Hayden and I have met.

I'm not really sure where things are headed with him considering he is still stuck in Australia on his research trip.

We've been calling each other every other night just catching up on our days.

It's been nice talking with him.

I enjoy his presence.

But I hated how I was always the one to call him first. The phone works two ways.

It's also been a week since I've even spoken with Lando.

I decided to go back to my house back in Richmond over in England and I can't help but be reminded of that absolute ass I used to be with.

I wanted to move. Truly. But with being all over the world all the time it's hard to ever feel as if I have a real home.

The moment I walked into my house I felt sick.

Every corner of my house reminded me of him.

I could go anywhere I wanted in the world with the money I had but I couldn't bring myself to spend a night in my house.

I decided to book a room at a hotel before leaving for the next race, until I realized it was here.

In the United Kingdom.


It didn't matter. I knew I could afford the room but I just wanted to be home.

A piece of me felt like it was missing. I just wanted to be comforted.

Which is why I think I called Hayden every night.

Searching for some kind of love I was yearning for.

I had barely seen Lando all weekend between him being pulled between media interviews or being dragged places with Evelyn.

Either way our conversations were kept to a few word maximum.

He had qualified third and I was really proud of him but I swallowed my emotions and decided to focus on strategy for myself this race.

My stupid car hadn't cooperated thus far in my career and I wanted to turn that around this weekend.

I knew I had a very good opportunity to either grab a podium or earn a solid amount of points for the team today by starting p5.

"You promise the cars all fixed there Tom?" I joke around with him before hoping into my number 72 car.

"Promise Lace." He smiles back before walking out of the garage with his head set on.

I pull up to the grid sucking in as much air as I can to calm down the nerves I was feeling.

I wanted to do well this race I really did.

So many eyes were on me.

Out of the two rookies this season I was terrible in comparison to Liam.

The vibrant red lights shone in front of me as I stared them down.

52 laps.

20 drivers.

One winner.

Looking ahead of me I notice Lando almost jumping the start.

What a goof.

Coming around the first corner my car actually felt great for the first time allowing me to overtake Leclerc who was just in front of me.

This is exactly what I had been waiting for.

I could finally prove to not only the world but also myself that I was worthy of this seat at McLaren.

The roar of the engine reverberates through my body, adrenaline surging as I grasp the steering wheel with white knuckled grip.

The track stretches out before me like a labyrinth of speed and precision, each turn a challenge waiting to be conquered.

The sound of the cars engine becomes a symphony, punctuated by the distant echoes of my childhood.

The hollering of my dad after I won my first race.

The resentment that I still feel towards him.

The burning passion that once coursed through my veins for this sport before it became a battle between my nerves and I.

Sometimes I hate how nostalgic I am.

Being stuck in the past, never being in the present.

But suddenly I'm pulled back to the present.

Back to the fact that my car isn't turning.

The fact that I have no control over the car.

The world starts to spin and so do my thoughts.

Time slowed to a crawl as the barrier rushes towards me as the metal of my car screeched in protest.

Hyperventilating I try to focus on my breathing and getting out of this car.

"Shit. Is the car ok? Look at that right wing damage. Shit I don't know if we'll be able to get that fixed." I hear Tom echoed through my earpiece.

"Lacy do you think the car is ok?" He raises his voice awaiting for a response.

"Yea... I'm ok." I say struggling to spill the words out of my mouth.

Pushing my body up I nearly fall out of the car but manage to plant my feet onto the ground to catch myself.

Losing my balance I hold onto the railing waiting to be brought back to the garage.

So much is happening around me at once.

People are asking me questions, flashing lights illuminate my face, all while I'm being ushered back to the garage.

But all I can think about is the fact that Tom promised.

He promised that my car was ok.

And it wasn't.

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