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He texted Jungkook at lunchtime but got no response. He hoped to see Kook when he left work that evening. When he got his things ready, he found a text from Jungkook saying he was meeting with his brother and calling him later. 

Later never came. When Kook arrived at three that morning, he texted and apologized for not calling earlier that he and his brother stayed at the bar until closing. He told Namjoon he'd call when he woke up.

Beom stopped over Sunday morning to see Joon, he was expecting Jungkook to be there too, but when he walked in, and Joon was alone in the living room, he was amazed. "Where's Jungkook?" "At home." "Okay, why do you seem all sad about this, Joonie? Did he do something?" "No."

"What did you two do?" Beom could see something happened. "Did you two finally go all the way?" "No, I still haven't let him cross that line, but we did move up to oral." "Yours or his choice?" "It was mine."

"And are you having second thoughts?" Beom was looking at Namjoon because he looked like he was. "He didn't talk to me at all after he left Saturday morning. Then he suddenly had a date with his brother?" Joon questioned.

 Then he suddenly had a date with his brother?" Joon questioned

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"Namjoonaa, that might have been my fault." Joon looked at Beom oddly. "When you handed Jungkook the phone Friday, I told him, he had no choice he was staying Tuesday night. 

He could spend the night with you and me and deal with his real brother any other night." "You knew he was leaving on Tuesdays to meet up with his brother instead of staying?" "Yeah, I asked him after the first time he didn't stay, and you were mad. I figured you would ask, or he would've told you why he was leaving, but I guess neither of you did." 

Beom thought maybe a little discussion about open communication was due at their home on Tuesday. "What are you going to do today?" "Clean, get my things ready for the week. I need to go and get some groceries and do a little shopping."

"Why don't you call Mary? I know she needs to do a lot of shopping as well. Go to my place, and you two can go in a bit. I'll bring the car back in about an hour or so, and you two can have it."

"You don't want to go with us?" Joon knew he wouldn't but he had to ask. "Hell no, I'm fine staying home on the couch. Do I need to call Mary for you?" "No, go do what you need to do, and I'll see you at your house later. 

Love you

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Love you." "Love you too, Namjoonaa." Beom left Joon's house in search of Jungkook.

Sunday went by without Kook coming over, Monday, Jungkook was waiting on Joon's steps when he came home from work. "Hi." "Jungkookaa, what are you doing here?" "Since you won't text me back or return my calls. 

I decided to come and wait for you here." "I was busy at work, and I read them on the train coming home." "Joonie, I wasn't avoiding you. 

I went out with my brother. I had to cancel Tuesday with him, so he asked if I would go out Saturday." Jungkook looked at Joon. 

"We ended up going to dinner and then to the bar. 

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