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As the van pulled at Dmitry's mention all the memories from four years back came flooding in my mind.

It felt like I was about to relive my nightmare but this time it would be fucking real!

Now I get why Dmitry put that file in this mansion.

He still thinks I'll come back after he burns me alive with his own hands.

Well, that was his sins that bought me back but He is a sacred piece of shit!

He thought he could break me with those stupid memories! And I'll still be that little vulnerable girl. A laugh escaped from my mouth.

He underestimated me, and that truly hurt my ego! Let's get the file, let him see how it feels when a nightmare comes to life, and prove my existence to the underworld!

The gun was positioned in my hand as I walked through the garage into the house, while Mary was following me.

Aiden was guiding us for potential risks, although I already knew every step of this mansion I didn't know where the guards were positioned so I religiously followed his commands.

I did want Ezar's help but with all those cams and mics planted on me, I couldn't alert him.

We went through the kitchen towards the secret staircase, created to hide the whores when the police raids.

We were on the second floor and as planned we had to find the file on this floor.

Aiden didn't send a command so I supposed everything was cleared so I stepped outside, just to prove myself wrong.

There were three guards on the line.

"Fuck! Are you gonna get us killed Aiden?'' I said on the mic hiding behind the door still on the secret staircase.

No response.

"Hello! Are you even there?" I said again.

No response again!

I could see the look of horror on Mary's face.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" she mouthed.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're alone in this Grey!" my mind mocked me.

Maybe something happened in the van. I tried to calm my beating heart, but right now I need to get out of this situation.

My survival instincts kicked in.

"Listen well, distract them one by one, into coming here and then knock them out, so they don't alert the others. Am I clear?" I said to Mary, I could see she was scared.

"I'll knock on the door and when someone comes in you'll close it. I'll handle the rest. I need your help Mary. Please, tell me is it clear?'' I tried to bring her back to her senses and assure her at the same time.

"Yea.. I mean yes!" she blurted out.

As planned I knocked and waited. As I heard the steps coming towards us I positioned myself and alerted her.

As the man opened the door and came in to check I grabbed him from behind, putting my hand onto his mouth and other around his neck and climbed upon his back. In another sec i swiftly snapped his neck and as he was going to fall on the floor marry grabbed him and he landed not making a noise.

I nodded at her.

We did that with the other two too.

"That was fun" Mary tried to hide a horrified face with a fake laugh.

But it was truly fun.

As we got the chance we ran into the nearest room, of course risking our lives as none of the boys were helping us!

As we entered the room Mary hurriedly closed the door behind, but as I saw what was in front of me,

I froze.

I never expected What I saw there!

Whenever I thought the life couldn't get any worse

It gets even more worse.

Even more.

In front of me stood a mistake.

My mistake

How could I be soo stupid.

The night me and jennet were going to run away from this hell was the same night I planned to get the girls out of this hell too.

I confirmed that they were gone on the plane.

But I was betrayed again!

Sofia was standing in front of me.

As the proof of my mistake.

In the room was a man lying on the floor with his head bleeding and Sofia holding the gun.

She hit him.

Her eyes opened with shock when she saw us.

Not shock but horror.

Horror of getting caught again.

I could see dried tears on her cheek, her shattered clothes.

She is eleven years old.

She is a fucking child!

Tears started to fall of her eyes. I wanted to tell her she is safe now, I'm here but she pointed the gun at us.

"Stay.. away!" She tried to shout with her stammering.

I put my arms in the air and tried to move towards her.

" I said stay away!" She shouted again this time with determination.

I was surprised and proud of her determination.

But then in another second she shot the bullet towards us.

As a reflex I rushed in front of Mary and the bullet hit my arm.

" Hazel got shot while protecting me!" I heard Mary shouting at the earpiece.

But all my focus on was Sofie.

I walked towards her ignoring the pain that didn't even mattered to me and kneeled in front of her.

" What the hell is she doing!?" I heard terry's words ringing in the earpiece.

" Sh.. so it's okay... I will not hurt... Just drop the gun Sofie" I said to Sofie ignoring all the voices and the fear of disclosing my real identity.

Nothing mattered to me at that time, it was just hurting. I was devastated to see that sacrifice of jennet's life all went in vain. All out efforts to give those girls a better life was zero.

A big fucking zero!

" You're going to hurt us?" Sofie asked, her voice stammering.

" No no.. Sofie no one is going to hurt you" I tried to assure her but I knew only one this and clam her down right now..

Slowly I removed her scarf with her bloodied hand revealing my face to her. And within a second Sofie threw the gun away and wrapped her arms around me, and started crying.

"You came back!" Sofie cried

" I promised! Didn't I?" I lied.

What truth should I tell her that I abandoned then!

Or that I couldn't be the guardian angel she thought I was!

" We all thought you died in the fire, Grey!" 

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