five | hostility

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To Ava's understanding, Paige wasn't going to tell anybody. But by that, Paige had meant the general University of Connecticut population. Her basketball buddies were, in Paige's mind, an exception. And to Paige, nothing was wrong with telling anyways, because that simply showed how excited she was.

"Her skin was so smooth," Paige gushed to KK and Ice. Those were the only two people who she told stuff like this to. But what Paige had not known, was that Azzi was in the building. She'd been outside of the locker room, wanting to go in but having heard the conversation at hand. She knew that surely, if she opened the door, then Paige would stop talking. Her mouth was slightly agape as she looked downwards in disbelief, taking everything in. She wanted to convince herself that Paige was pranking her or something, but how would Paige have known that Azzi wanted to do a quick workout right now?

Suddenly, the rage was back. Azzi had felt so warm and cuddly when she spoke to Ava last time. But now, knowing that her original suspicions were true, she was mad. "Hey," she shot Ava a quick text, "are you busy right now? I had something I wanted to show you, but it's kind of lowkey right now so I don't want us to be in a super open area like the dining hall." Ava replied almost instantly.

"I'm by my apartment," she let Azzi know, "Regnal Hall, third floor. Room 313." Azzi hearted Ava's text, but said nothing more. Quietly, she backed away from the locker room door and made her way out.

Ava thought little to nothing about Azzi's text. She found Azzi to be sweet and didn't read her as somebody with any ulterior motives. She had just came from class not too long ago. She showered and was now wearing black leggings with a black Nike pullover. Her hair was in a low, tight bun and she was barefoot. She had yet to find any nail techs in the area so she was stuck painting her own nails for now. Currently, both her finger and toenails were white.

"Hey," Ava smiled as she opened the door. Azzi, who had been dressed for a workout: a Nike windbreaker with a black sports bra and black sweats, suddenly found herself captivated again.

"No," Azzi said, out loud, shaking her head.

"What?" Ava asked, "no what?"

Azzi shut her eyes tight, realizing she'd said that out loud. She sighed, "okay," she began, "I can't do this anymore, Ava. Did you hook up with Paige?"

Ava blankly stared at Azzi for a second, with Azzi turning her head slightly, impatiently. "Hello?"

"Is she your girlfriend?" Ava asked Azzi in response. Azzi shook her head, though reluctantly.

"No," Azzi admitted, "she isn't."

"Oh," Ava responded. "Well in that case, yes. Paige and I hooked up earlier this week."

Azzi squinted at Ava, "so you would have lied to me if I said that she was my girlfriend?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah!" Ava replied instantaneously. "You're five-eleven and jacked" Ava motioned her hand up and down at Azzi's body, "I'm not dumb."

Azzi fought every nerve in her face to not laugh. "So what's this fan club of yours really about?" Azzi asked Ava. "Was it just some manipulative way to get closer to Paige?" Ava was taken aback, rightfully so.

"Manipulative?" She asked, "how so?"

Azzi folded her arms. "You can fool Paige all you want, Ava" she began, "but I'm not her. You obviously studied her to a degree before seeking out her attention. You know that she loves being drooled over. You knew that creating a fan club just for her would catch her eye. So yes, I would say that's manipulative, Ava." 

Ava rolled her eyes, "so what do you want, Azzi?" She asked. "An apology? For sleeping with your not-girlfriend? If Paige has no problem with my actions, then why would you?" Azzi counted down from ten in her head, to keep her cool. Like Ava made clear earlier, Azzi could beat her up easily, if she wanted.

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