sixteen | valentine

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Azzi dreaded Valentine's Day because she and Paige seemed to both avoid acknowledging their relationship status. Everytime Azzi considered asking, something got in the way. Everytime Paige thought of asking Azzi out officially, she found a fault in her plan. So both women were just vibing.

To make matters worse, Azzi hadn't heard from Paige all day. The place was too quiet, everybody on campus seemed to have a damn valentine. By 12 p.m., after getting breakfast and stopping by a professor's office, Azzi was in poor spirits.

She could feel herself on the brink of tears as she held a to-go box, unlocking her apartment door. As soon as she swung the door open, a giddy looking Paige was standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers. The rest of the studio apartment was doused in rose petals, the words "I love you" spelled out on Azzi's bed—also in petals. Off to the side near her mounted tv was a giant stuffed bear and a gift basket, seemingly full of scented lotions, candies, and jewelry.

"Oh my God," Azzi's heart beat out of her chest as she looked around. Her chest rose and fell as she spoke, "I didn't get you anything." Paige maintained the same overly happy smile, not seeming to care.

"You weren't expecting me to get you stuff," she figured, "so I didn't expect you to get me anything." She handed Azzi the bouquet. "Plus," she went on, "this year is for you, Azzi. You deserve to be catered to. Not everything needs to be reciprocated."

Azzi was actually speechless, did this mean that she and Paige were dating? Should she just ask? No, it could ruin the moment somehow. Maybe she should just stop worrying about labels. I mean, Azzi highly doubted that Paige was going from house to house, dropping petals and bears and candy and shit. So obviously, Paige must truly like Azzi.

"If you allow me to," Paige murmured, playing with the necklace that Azzi was wearing, "I would like to take you out on a date later today." Azzi was an observer above all things, she took note of very little words used. Paige saying "later" alerted Azzi.

"So what are you gonna be doing till then?" Azzi asked, folding her arms with a warm smile.

"What do you mean?" Paige retorted.

"You said you'd like to take me out on a date later today" Azzi repeated Paige's words back to her. "So, until 'later,' what are you doing?" Azzi made air quotes with both hands at her mention of "later."

Paige rolled her eyes, "you're so technical bruh," she swung her arm around Azzi's neck, nearly putting her in a headlock. "But, I was thinking we could chill here for a little? Watch movies, sleep, you know..."

Azzi snickered, placing the flowers off to the side so that she could embrace Paige with both arms. "I like the way you think," she whispered into Paige's ear before letting go and leading Paige toward her bed.

"Hm," Azzi thought aloud as she grabbed a pillow and quickly smacked Paige in the face with it. Though startled, Paige wasn't upset about Azzi hitting her. Azzi had worried for a second that Paige was, because she stumbled and held her face. When Azzi walked over to her, Paige threw Azzi over her shoulder and carried her to the bed, throwing her down like she was as light as a feather.

"Ow!" Azzi said in between laughs as Paige picked up a different pillow and hit her with it. Azzi attempted to block her face for the first three hits before grabbing a pillow and swinging back. Paige dropped her pillow so that she could hold Azzi's wrists down. Azzi had been lying horizontally on her bed, with Paige sitting on her waist and pinning her wrists.

"Let go of me" Azzi demanded, though not in a serious manner, while playfully trying to break free.

"Shut up," Paige replied with a smile spreading across her lips as she leaned forward and kissed Azzi. Azzi nibbled Paige's lip and let out a very soft moan. Paige took the opportunity to slip her hand under Azzi's shirt, cupping one of her breasts. Paige squeezed harder than usual, making Azzi bite down on her Paige's lip a tad bit harder. 

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