Ancients Reborn

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I had a mood for this, I also wanted to get a feel for how Allren's and Kgycal's characters feel as I may or may not introduce them in the main story. I know I want to bring back two other ancients, but not sure about these two. But it'll give me some ideas for that.

I have had zero mood to write the other story, which isn't necessarily a bad thing anymore. Because it'll give my mind a break and I'll come up with something better, something that won't ruin the story 2.0 lol.

Molkor and his armies are fine, but I want to introduce or bring back essentially two older dragon gods who caused quite a stir in their time. Of course as mentioned on the new summary, similarities to those, not the exact same ones. That want also created this, another chapter and as written on the summary of this, I have no idea about this or anything from this.

I'd like to continue this to a point though, maybe I'll reach that point maybe I won't, story still feels weird to write after all, so no real ideas past tonight.

I also say it as either Gee-cal or Kai-gal lol, I know the spelling isn't reminiscent of it being pronounced that way, but that's how I say it. Also now Guy-cal too lol.


A sudden portal and two very confused ancient dragons. They both looked around, spotting Farrend sitting at the table by his lonesome his features shocked, the mug in his hands nearly coming crashing down. "Farrend? Where the hell are we?" Oh boy.

"So we're told we were sleeping, apparently that's not true, we were killed and apparently by Shenron and his apparent nowadays boy toy Zamasu, as the two are together now ... Mother's ass goes up in smoke, Gia and Galacius are gone, Grav and Aureen are no more, Father is no longer, Smoulder is gone too and suddenly I'm wondering what the hell is going on here and it's justified because WTF!" Kgycal spoke as Allren and Farrend listened.

"That about sums it up yeah." Farrend spoke as he held the mug and was about to take a sip. "So beyond us there's no ancients left?" Allren asked and Farrend nodded, his mouth opening to the floor. "And you what sat there and did nothing?" Farrend's eyes squinting towards him, "I couldn't stop two immensely powerful genocidal, heck omnicidal gods, who do I look like to you?" Allren shaking his head, "it looks like you are about as useless as they come than ..." Farrend getting up and walking away with a massive scowl on his face.

"And where are these perpetrators now?" Allren already knowing he wouldn't know, just testing him, "I don't know." His reaction spoke it all, "oh great." Farrend walking back inside now, he had enough. "All of Mother's creations, all of us dead ... like come on man, how heartless can you be, we weren't all bad." Kgycal looking at him, like that's so untrue.

Farrend sighed as he walked back into the house, what a day, one of his worst in a long while if he was totally honest, Shenron had done so much bad in his time up til now, he was so disappointed in it all, but he had his home and his family and everything was good ... bloody ancients.

He bowed the next day as the queen of the dragons here came by his house, smiling, that is until she saw the void dwellers of Mother's worst of the worst domain. Her smile falling. "Why are they here?" She asked Farrend as she leaned in close, pretending to simply be happy to see him. "I don't know, they just appeared ..." she released him and waved at a few dragons, "come see me later." She said and than she kept tending to the crowds.

"Void dwellers have no right being here on this most sacred ground Farrend! You should've done something, you can't just let them desecrate this place with their void taint." She wasn't wrong, but than again they hadn't been a part of that void world in so long the taint was long gone. "I can't just turn away ancients, you know that." She sighed, "ancient to who exactly? You do realise we were born when Armon was birthed right? We are the true ancients here." He sighed now, "they don't need to know that though ... they died at a time where that wasn't common knowledge and I'd love to keep it that way." She looked at him and merely nodded her head before moving away.

If you know the reality of your life, can you continue living a fake one? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum