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So sex scenes still having issues I noted, wasn't sure until I tried to do some scenes and realised it was triggering me, probably less for gay smut cause I'm used to it vs Shenron's serpent body vagina lol. Either way I tried, but yeah couldn't do much of what I had hoped.

Their vampires after all, so there was some scenes for that too.

I also had massive issues with dragon/serpent lol, like I kept writing dragon and had to go back and fix it, so annoying.


With everything going on the boys had completely neglected their vampire sides, up here it worked a little differently, but hunger was still hunger and it would rear it's ugly head and soon. Zamasu first to feel it, he clutched his stomach as he roared out, the pain quite measurable, but than again we mention the word neglected. The serpent coming to his aid asking him what's wrong and than he too was thrown to the ground in pain.

"We're both such idiots, we're fucking hungry! We've neglected the blood for so long it's caught up to us, argh ..." Zamasu yelling as the pain he was in was beyond severe. "I'll get Maya ..." the serpent got up and tried his best to walk straight, the pain excruciating. "Maya!" He started yelling early, she could read minds like a novel, but she was busy and so she didn't even notice. "Grah! MAYA!" she heard that though, she walked out to see them both on the ground screaming in pain by the time she was out the door. "Oh goodness your vampires, I'm so sorry I forgot. Give me a moment."

She ran inside and got a book, flipped the many pages and than found what she was looking for. "Okay here," she opened the book and just as they thought she'd give them her blood, the book stretched them through itself and both landed on the cold hard ground of a planet. Looking around as best as they could, "are we on Earth?" Zamasu asked, the serpent than replying, "looks and smells like it, so maybe?" Noticing that each of them was still in their regular forms. "Why am I still like this though! Argh!" He was so annoyed.

Shenron crawled his way over to him, for some reason he was quite far from him despite both going into the book at the same time and relative same distance from one another, the book spitting them out pretty far away. "Hang on." Zamasu nodding and grabbing his hand, the serpent teleporting them to the town center he felt nearby. The place crawling with humans, so many of them, their eyes would sparkle from it all if it was at all a possibility. The minute the smell of them hit their nostrils the frenzy begun, both not in pain anymore suddenly and tearing through the crowds at lightning speeds, blood spraying everywhere.

The crowds screaming as the boys tore into throats as if in a zombie craze, as if under the control of something, well technically vampirism. As the noise began to die down, the bodies of at least 200 littered the streets nearest to them, blood everywhere and all over them. Zamasu had a guy pinned to the wall and was drinking him in deeply, now that he was capable of rational thought once more. More blood was splattered than was drunken earlier, but alas that's just how a frenzy is with starving vampires. The man desperately trying to get away from this freaky ass baby fairy thing nibbling down on his neck, but as each second grew long, the mans body grew less in blood and soon he fell to the floor drained.

Zamasu floating there, relishing in the blood, the everything, his vampire side growling and snarling as it lusted for even more carnage and mayhem, that and it's meal was delicious, it wanted more. Shenron appearing behind him and catching him off guard a moment before he relaxed against the serpents body, lulling his head against his shoulder as he eyed the sky above them, the clouds moving and in his haze they felt so mesmerising. "That was a good feed Shenron." He damn near moaned the words out as he watched the clouds pass on by. "Mmm." He wished he could play with parts of Zamasu's face right now, in a hazy lust too, but his head was much too long for that and so he'd have to wait.

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