Tainted Fate

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The Darkness, Silent Hill, reading it for the edit I noted Alone in the Dark New Nightmare as well, shadow creatures hating the light and all that, similar anyways, like the game is similar not mine to the game. Resident Evil and maybe some others were thought of whilst writing this. Also thought of the witches tendrils in Dishonored 2.

Fun chapter really with some issues ... I added a bit at the end to rectify a certain big issue I noted.

Also we finally know what Zamasu looks like in his fairy form, that's literally how I see it, so yep.

Realised I didn't name the chapter for the first time ever lol. Right now I'm too tired to come up with anything. Was going to use my username for a moment there because it made sense, but no, taint is mentioned often so I'll use that as the first word instead.


Just as both were about to attack the dragons for their continued insolence, they got yanked back home. "Oh what in the actual fuck?" Yelled Zamasu as he noted the body he so very much hated, he scowled so hard. "Why are we back?" Shenron asked but no one could answer, no what did answer was a gigantic quake suddenly, the foundations of the place had actual pieces falling off and to the ground below. Gaia meeting them suddenly as she practically ran into them.

"Oh hey, no idea what's going on, just that it started soon after you returned to your world and it had done a reset." Both shocked that this was the work of their worlds reset. "How?" Asked Zamasu, Gaia shrugged, she fucking shrugged, some God. "I mean what can I say I don't know?" Both eyes wide and just disbelieving. She nervous smiled and went on her way, "got things to check on excuse me." They kept eyeing her until she was gone.

"Man if Gaia doesn't know what's going on than what we're fucked?" Zamasu still looking towards where she had gone, the serpent nearby sighing, "would it really be news to us? Really?" Zamasu shook his head, "of course not, your right, this is totally up our alley." He slacked his arms, "totally something we'd be able to do to others ..." the serpent sighing again, well he wasn't wrong.

"Craven where the fuck are the others?" Gaia all but yelled and swore, she swore okay so that was new. "I don't know mother, everyone has just disappeared, maybe they took shelter." She hoped so, all her children, her precious children, they couldn't be dead right, I mean that was impossible here right? Damn she wished she knew.

As Shenron and Zamasu made it to the center of the place, a bunch of others appeared from below the ground, running for their lives as the shakes went underground too and caused massive destruction in the tunnels below. "Run for your lives, we're all gonna die!" The serpent and fairy rolling their eyes, drama queens.

A horn than sounded and bells tolled, before one gigantic bell was tolling by itself. "What the fuck is that?" Zamasu wondered, Gaia appearing and looking around, "what is that?" Yelled Zamasu towards her, "I don't know, I've never heard that before." He slapped his face with his hand, she didn't seem to know very much for the type of God that she was, now did she?

The bell kept tolling as the shakes kept shaking, the place in massive ruins now. Now Zamasu could understand the wording of eternal hell, no longer a heaven. A gate appearing in the sky, brightness from all around it, the gate golden in colour, how cliché ... how absolutely typical, whoever was behind that gate was so damned cliché.

A being appearing and looking over the devastated land below. Her face turning sour as her land had been torn asunder by something. Landing and than saying, "you know why I made you?" Gaia looking at her wondering what she meant, made? "Because I wanted eternal rest, I've been awake so long ... it's so hard to just have peace and quiet, it's seriously too much to ask it seems." Gaia still unsure. "I made you so that I could rest and have peace and quiet and look at this, like omg Gaia darling, not a good look. I'm so tired and I have to be here, because only I can fix this ... yawn." Everyone looking now and wondering huh?

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