Eternal Bliss

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The end! Yep I finally ended it, it needed an ending and I am so happy it finally got there. May or may not bring it back someday for a part 7, for now I will continue my newer story and make off stories here and there as moods allow.


Zamasu turned to that same dark power he had felt earlier, the being standing there staring at him, taking him in. "I'll admit I thought for a moment there that you really were him, but alas no ... it is often hard to tell at times, but what really tells you it's not, is that dragon your with." He moved around him, Zamasu standing his ground. "Soul bonding ... worst thing I've heard in a long while. To steal ones divine body for your very own, how disgusting." Zamasu frowning as it's not like this being hadn't done it himself, he knew who it was by the voice alone. Of course he had done that with a mortal body, but still ...

"Like you didn't take Goku's body huh?" The figure laughing, "couldn't fool you even if I tried, my Zamasu was similar, guess soul bonding goes deeper than simply taking the body." Zamasu nodding, "it does, it made me you, quite literally." Black was interested in this, he guessed he saw it at times, but hadn't watched him long enough to know how true that really was.

"So why the taint?" Zamasu wondered. Black sighing, because it was both his best idea and worst. "To reach new heights of power, my one biggest issue of course was finding out that I wasn't even real. The dark it showed me that, showed that everything I went through and all that meticulous planning and decades of denial ... ahaha." Zamasu frowning, "Lion King really?" Black laughing now. "But it's true isn't it? You should know, the one who became me." Zamasu looking down but nodding, of course he knew.

"That everything I did and everything I was, was pointless, because I was a creation of the mortals and nothing more. He showed me the anime, the manga, everything, even the stories that humans write about us. Every single thing and I was never so depressed in my life as I was when I saw all that. To think that everything I stood for was a sham. It broke me."

"The taint told me it could give me what I want for real though, take me to the real world, make me real and let me commence my plans there. So of course I took the offer, to become real ... finally! I loved the way it felt. Hated of course finding out that there was soul binds and that I was a part of one of them." Zamasu than saying, "every single evil in this world is defeat-able, we have defeated so many for thousands of our years now" He lied a bit there, their lives as Shenron and Zamasu were mere hundreds of years, their lives in this place not that long either.

"Oh Zamasu or Carl as your named here, very mortal name might I add. I doubt you've lived that long as I know the beings here love to lie. Also evil must always exist because it is needed to keep the balance. Hence the taint is eternal and you cannot destroy it and because I am it's host I too am eternal like it is." He suddenly charged him, removing his hooded cloak completely and unveiling himself to indeed be Black.

Whilst Zamasu dealt with a suddenly real Black, Shenron was facing down the two darkness heads. "Your based off of that game aren't you?" He asked them, they snickered, "ah you know of it? Good and yes we are, our other form was quite boring after so many eons alive, we needed a new look, do you like it?" The heads moving up and around to show themselves off. "I mean in all honesty you look sick, like cool sick, but since your evil ... well we can't let you win here, surely you understand that?" The two heads laughing, "very good dragon." They charged him.

As both fought with different parts of the taint, the world itself was falling apart, quakes shook the landscape often and the others all feared for their eternal lives. The taint was something that could kill them, the only world ever unharmed by anything going on here was the real mortal one. The one where everything was from, that world would never be harmed by things not actually real. Everyone here about as real as anything in our world that was written by someone.

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