Night Out - Filly

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You're in one of the UK's most discreet clubs for celebrities, being invited so you did come. It's one of the clubs where you can just enjoy yourself without being followed by camera that's waiting for you to fuck up so that they can put it in media to taint your reputation.

Most of the UK biggest influencers also comes here when they want to have a good time, so you did.

Coming in not so early at 9pm. You entered the club and being welcomed by the loudness of music and people talking and just being amazed with the interior of it.

You went in with some of your friends, as you all took a seat not too far from the dance floor and decided to order up drinks.

Minutes later, you found yourself an approaching company.

"Hey Y/N, you look good today" Filly said when he saw you. Smiling from ear to ear while holding a cup of drink in his right hand.

You almost didn't heard him say it because of the loudness of the music blasting in the club.

Filly, one of your acquaintance in the media world. You met him once or twice already. All you know that he's fine and funny. Blessed too if you want to count that.

"What? Like I don't look great everyday?" You joked to soften up the mood to not being too professional then giving a warm chuckle afterwards.

If Filly is here, the squad or others is too.

"Not that you don't look gorg everyday it's just... You know what I mean" He said trying to justify himself that earned a laugh from you.

"I know, I know" You said then sipping on your drink as well.

He went in for a hug to greet you. Being careful with his right hand and avoiding to spill his drink to your fabulous dress.

"You also look great today" You said pointing at his outfit, he really did went good choosing his outfit.

"Yeaah, that's nun, but thank you though" He said waving a dismissive hand. His head vibing to the music.

"It's really nice to see you, Andres" You said dropping out his govy.

He turned his head over to yours in curiosity. You? Calling him by his govy?

"What? My govy?" Refraining himself to laugh again. Focusing his attention all to you.

"Would you rather me calling you Felipe?" You said with a grin.

"Filly is just fine" Filly said with a shrug, downing his drink again. You looked at him impressed he doesn't look too drunk for someone who's been drinking the whole time.

"Filly sounds so silly" You said giving a sass about his name.

"Aye, good rhyming tho" He said with a smirk.

"But don't vio my name like that" He added his face turning playfully neutral while keeping eye contact with you.

"Right, my bad" You said with a laugh as he laughed as well with you.

"It's Andrés by the way" he said with his accent coming through. You repeated it trying how he pronounced it but sounding way too out of it.

Later on, Chunkz, Kenny, Sharky, Niko and Aj joined the rest of us. Along with the girls too and Niko's girlfriend

All of you ordered for another round of drinks, some with alcoholic and some with non-alcoholic drinks for the others.

Some danced and some just sang along with the music playing while everyone is just vibing and having a good time. It's how should relaxing truly is.

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