Early in the Morning- Chunkz

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You're in Atlanta with your boyfriend. Well, he is needed here for filming, mainly for the collaboration with another youtube group managed by other management.

You came along because he wanted you to come. If Chunkz was to work then he wanted to come home being with you in the place the both of you will be staying at temporarily while being in Atlanta.

You took a leave from your work and you packed your things mainly essentially.

Staying at the place was really bad. You've got nothing else to do besides waiting for him to come back after filming and being a guest on streams.

Chunkz told you that you should go for a stroll at some mall for shopping, have your nails or hair done sometimes but strolling by yourself wasn't your thing anyways.

You're barely sleeping one morning, the sun shining can be seen through outside giving a sign that it's nearly morning.

Knowing that you're alone kinda makes you a bit lazy to do anything since it's early morning.

Your boyfriend is gone to another filming and hasn't came home since yesterday due to their filming for another last to fall asleep but this time they are collaborating with AMP squad.

He's probably gonna come home sooner or later this morning. If the challenge is still going, then they have been awake for literally over 24 hours by now.

Well technically, you've woken up an hour ago. Already finished making and eating breakfast and deciding to go back to bed since you have nothing else to do.

Feeling a movement in the bed, shifting at the other side opposite to yours. You opened your eyes seeing your boyfriend now laying besides you.

You turned to face him and just stared at him, due to just waking up and well, he's just nice to stare at sometimes to admire his face. He noticed you woke up and now staring at him.

"Did I woke you up? Sorry bout that" He said.

You shook your head slightly in response as he moved closer to you now that he knows you're awake.

"Was barely sleeping when you came in" You said.

"How's work? Did you win?" You asked being curious about his work since he had mentioned about a competition about lasting not to sleep.

"Nah I didn't, but I got 5 grand on me as an offer to be eliminated" He smiled lazily due to tiredness.

"That's a fair trade, half the price" You said.

"I think Niko and Aj have a high chance of winning" He said. He really loves his brothers so much and you loved him for that.

"I know that Niko is not giving up" You said. Having too much confidence to your friends.

"I'm in the top 4 though, I'm cool with that, you know what I mean?" He said with a proud smile.

"You did great, you should be proud" You said to him. He rarely wins challenge but that's besides the point.

He hummed in response. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him. He missed you next to him already after a long day of not seeing each other.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen if you want to eat, I can reheat it for you" You said to him.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it" He said, nuzzling his head closer to your neck.

"Go get some sleep then, you deserve it" You said.

"I'll take you out for anything you want later when I wake up" He said barely audible.

"We're going shopping then? Nando's afterwards" You stated not moving, letting him embrace you.

"Yeah" He said, fully closing his eyes by now.

Usually you'd argue about him always paying for you whenever you guys go out. It's not that you didn't want to be treated sometimes but him paying everytime doesn't sound fair when you can really afford to pay for yourself.

You always point out that you can pay for yourself but he always said that it's on him, saying that he initiated it then he's going to pay for it.

It'll basically end up as a pointless argument and then he'll have his way eventually. You didn't have energy to argue about it now but maybe later.

You let him get some sleep and ended up falling asleep as well. Sleeping in peace next to your man.

At least you'll have some time with him spending money for both of your fits and have a nice date together. That's a story for another time. (I might do this y'know)

- end -

I felt like this is too short but it'll do, yay because I passed my finals and I had some extra time to do this.

How are y'all doing? Requests are being made by now, at least half of it but yeaaah I'll drop twice today if I'm feeling a bit (this was supposed to be dropped yesterday)

I hope y'all have an amazing day and absolute love and guidance.

As I said everytime, send in some request and ideas!!

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