Bank - Kenny

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Being a guest in a special guest in "Would I Lie to You?" And being in Team 2 along with Harry, Sharky, and Kenny. The Team 1 with Johnny, Niko, and Aj. The host being Chunkz.

It's a really good game and pretty easy too. You just follow what your cards say to either lie or tell the truth about a statement and the other team will guess if you are lying or not.

Chunkz started to introduce the game along with the members of each team.

"And lastly, Y/N alongside with his man King Kenny, Mr. Rigger" Chunkz said followed by a round of applause for the both of you as you waved energetically to the camera.

"Introduce yourself man, come on" Aj said, talking to Chunkz

"And the host, is the handsome man and he goes by the name of Chunkz" Chunkz said with a smile clapping for himself while the others didn't and just made it awkward.

You and Niko are about to clap but you just followed the other guys on not clapping. You tried to contain yourself to not laugh and make a neutral face but obviously failing to do so.

Well, Sharky clapped twice. It's just funnier that way. Making Aj laugh and Niko looked down refraining himself from laughing while the others remained neutral.

"And the host... Is a jokeman that goes with the name of Chunkz...?" Chunkz said with hand gestures, looking around waiting for a reaction.

Everyone finally applauded, including you. Chunkz started to explain how the game works and gave an example involving him. Both teams guessed it to be true and ended up being right

Round after round the game continues the score being 6-2 from Team 1 and Team 2. It's finally your turn, being nervous and anxious about it.

You wanted your team to win and you're making sure to get this point.

You stared at the card infront of you and you started to read the card first to yourself before reading it out loud.

It highlighted the word "TRUTH". So you're telling the true story as it truly happened.

"Before I read this, remember that Kenny and I met in childhood yeah?" You said looking at the opposite team.

"Read the card man, we don't have time for your highschool love stories" Aj violated and making all of us laugh afterwards.

"Shush" Making a gesture by putting your index finger to your lips.

"So, Kenny spent a stolen money from his mother on first time Kenny took me out" You finished reading the card and putting it down to the table.

Everyone laughed, throwing nonstop violation and making Kenny a little bit embarrassed but still smiling next to you.

"Shall I tell the story or?" You said and they eventually calmed down.

"Come on, chat to us" Johnny asked making his attention fully on you.

"In summary, Kenny asked me to come out with him as he does a lot of times but I always say no because of the responsibilities I had back then" You said, avoiding eye contact with others. As they listened to you very carefully, not missing any details.

"He persuaded me at the end when he made some convincing statement. I eventually said yes" You continued to talk.

"Times running, get to the story" Niko said, hurrying you. Slamming his hands on their table.

"You can't say nothing when you're a shit storyteller" You said and playfully pointing an index finger at him. Violating him then laughing afterwards.

"Alright, fair enough" He raised both of his arms out in defeat at you while smiling. You really did got him there.

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