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Midnight and Void are now walking around hell trying to get hints or signs how to get home, they were doing these for hours now "this is useless, we're not gonna find something like this" Midnight said feeling her patience becomes thinner.

Void pats her head "hey, we're gonna find something don't worry" Midnight scoffed and rolled her eyes "yeah right"

Then they saw some demons watching something then there was a gun shot followed by Their cheering "hey what's that?" Void asked pointing at the demons
"Wanna check it out?" Midnight suggested
"Uh sure" Void said and go towards the demons, they saw a table with a gun on the middle with 2 demons, one is smirking and one is dead "now who wants to go next?, beat the champion to get a prize!" The other demons are betting on something, Void asked a girl with snake like features
"excuse me miss, what's happening here?"
Void asked "it's a game, but not the game the children play" the woman said making Void confused.

"and what game is it?" Void asked again
" A friendly game of Russian roulette"
The woman said making Void turn to Midnight. "yeah uhm.. let's go Midnight. My cat senses is sensing something wrong"
Midnight shrugged "relax, it's probably nothing. Let's just watch" The announcer is getting bored of waiting "hmm, let's make things interesting shall we? I'm going to choose one demon to participate" the announcer yelled making Void and Midnight slightly worried

" Yeah I think we should go" Midnight turned to Void and nod "you there!"
The demons turned to a specific person landing their eyes on Midnight
"uhm... Shit" Midnight mumbled "you lovely lady, come and give this a shot. It only takes on bullet" the announcer said making all the demons silent for a second before laughing at her

"Her?! Seriously?!" A demon yelled and laughed "this bitch looks like she can't even handle a gun right" another demon laughed "go home sweetheart, or you could just lay on my bed tonight" another one said making Midnight angry

"Fine, I accept the challenge. Let's play this child's game" Midnight stomped towards the other chair pushing the dead body off before sitting "ok you know the rules, one shot in the chamber. You either point at the opponent and shoot or roll the chamber and shoot yourself, now let's start this" the announcer said making the crowd cheer and making Void more worried.

"Lucas, your first" the announcer said, Lucas grabs the gun and points at his own head then pulled the trigger but nothing happened. With shaking hands Midnight grabs the gun and points at herself and pulled the trigger but nothing happened making both Midnight and Void sighed in relief.

The tension is heavy between them, taking turns trying to shoot themselves or the other. It was now Midnight's turn, she grab the gun and points at her head a finger on the trigger, she paused and looked at Lucas, something is off about him. She will take this risk and points at Lucas, his eyes widen like he didn't expect that she will point at him, she pulled the trigger


the bullet goes through his head making Midnight's eyes widen and the crowds silent. Her hands starts to shake. The crowd cheered loud and Void stared at Midnight with shock and worry.

'i killed someone... I killed someone... I killed someone?' Midnight said on her mind, with shaking hands she sets the gun down on the table and touched the pendant on her neck making her calm down a bit.

the announcer yelled, Midnight stands up and walked towards Void "where are you going?" The announcer asked "away from here" Midnight said "b-but your prize?!"
Midnight shrugged and scoffed "it's all yours" Midnight grabs Void's hand and leave the place.

"Hey, you ok?" Void asked and put a hand on her shoulder "I'm fine" Midnight said
"Kid, you have to tell me" Midnight glared at him "I'm fine, and I'm not a kid so stop calling me that" Void sighed "I'll try"
" Oh, where have you two been?" Charlie asked as they walked in the hotel "we've been exploring the place a little" charlie nod "ok, but you guys gonna have to be careful." Midnight and Void both nod "yeah" Midnight said " we know" Void added.

Charlie nods before leaving them alone.
"so we did not find something useful to get home and it's late... She probably got home by now" Midnight sighed " maybe we just gonna have to accept this fate" Void sighed
"No... You don't need to give up, come on Midnight, you got this" Midnight hesitate but nod "right... Ok, I won't for now"

They are now in their respective rooms and Midnight is sitting on her bed alone with her thoughts "there must be something I have miss or... Didn't noticed, I wonder what dad is doing... Is he alright?what if I can't get out of this world"

Midnight sighed and lay on the bed
"Let's just rest and think this through tomorrow... And let the new days in this helluva world"

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