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"Hey, me and Midnight are just going outside for a bit" Void said to Angel
"Are you guys will join us later for the activity?" Charlie asked and Void nod
"Yes of course" Void said and go outside with Midnight.
"Ok what's the plan?" They are walking past some stores and ignoring the demons around them "no clue, let's just try to see the glimpse of the crystal" Midnight sighed
"But pride ring is large, it will take weeks or months, and that damn Crystal is fast"
Midnight said and Void looked up "and maybe we could-" "There!" Void was cut off by Midnight who saw the Crystal leaving a trail of red glow.

They chased the crystal and pushing demons aside here and there reseaving some harsh comments but didn't care, they need that crystal to go home. "Shit, where is it?!" And they lost the crystal. Midnight sighed and sat down behind the wall and Void sat next to her "don't worry kid, we're going to catch it someday" Void reassured her making Midnight roll her eyes

Void suddenly had a bright idea to lift the feeling "hey kid" Midnight looked at him "what'd ya need old man?" Void smirked
"I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. " Midnight raised a brow "what... " Void snickered "Parallel lines have so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet."
Midnight scoffed "Dad jokes? Really?" Void chuckled "get it?" Midnight laughed a little
"yeah" Void smirked again "Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?" Midnight rolled her eyes and smile "why?" Void leaned back "It was two-tired." Midnight laughed a bit and hit his arm "that's awful"
Void raised his arms "that was a good one"
Midnight roll her eyes once again "anyways, let's get back to finding that crystal" Void nod and ruffles her hair.
"Ok ok I have one, I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down"
Dusk grinned at Midnight while she laughs
" Dad, you're so cheesy" Dusk rolled his eyes "ok I have another one,Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek?" Midnight puts a finger on her chin "why?" Void chuckled
"Because it was always spotted." Midnight laughed holding her stomach "that's so bad" Dusk raised his arms "hey! It was good"
"uh... Void" Void hummed and Midnight points at something "there's the crystal"
Both of them smiled and go towards the crystal on the ground but someone gets there first "oh.. what's this beauty?~"
A short demon girl with two large pigtails picked it up looking at it closely, Midnight grabs Void's wrist stopping him for going further and hid behind the wall.
"Oi Vox, look at this!" A demon with a TV for a head walked besides her with bored expression but quickly replaced by curiosity and awe "Velvet, where did you found this?" Vox asked while taking the crystal off her hands "Just found that laying around over here" Velvet replied while taking her phone snapping pictures of the crystal.

"this is gonna be gorgeous with my creations!" Velvet smiled thinking about her plans with the crystal. "Hmm, I don't know" Vox replied keeping his eyes on the crystal like scanning it.
"There you guys are, we need to get going"
A tall moth like demon arrived, his eyes immediately goes towards the crystal Vox was holding "ooh la la~ what do we have here?~" he snatches the crystal off Vox's hand "Careful Valentino! That's mine"
Velvet yelled and glared at the tall demon.

"Hey, we should go" Void whispered and looked at Midnight who is staring at a specific person or at this case demon.
Her cheeks can be seen with red hue
Void raised a brow, he followed Midnight's gaze and it turns out she was looking straight at Vox. Void smirks and poke Midnight's cheek, she looked at Void and noticed how he has a shit-eating-grin on his face she then looked away embarrassed
"Oh yeah I remember, you are so obsessed with Vox~" Void teased before Midnight's palm hits his cheek "ow!" Void puts a hand on his cheek and glared at her
"Shut it old man" Midnight glared back at him "but hey, we know the crystal is" Midnight tried to change the subject and grab Voids wrist and drag him back to the hotel.

"Oh come on, we should go back and asked your husband to-OW WHAT THE CRAP!?" Midnight jump and grabs Void's Cat ear Causing Void to hissed in pain "shut the fuck up before I grab the fur ball you just throwd up and shove it back to your throat" Void stumbled towards the hotel
"Ok ok! Just let go of my ear it hurts as heck!" Midnight finally release his ear
"Vox is just an interesting character, ok? I don't like him like that geez" Midnight sighed and goes inside the hotel, they noticed that the lobby was empty so they sat on the couch and rest for a bit.

"Ah! There you both are!"
Alastor's Voice startled both of them Making Void clawed the Couch tearing the poor couch, Midnight grabs the pendant of her necklace making herself calm down.


Now let's go, Charlie is waiting for us for her scheduled activity for us" Alastor winked at them before leaving.
"Oh I just remembered! You used to have a crush on Alastor too right?" Void asked with a laugh, Midnight slowly turned to him with death glare.

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