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"How was the activity?" Charlie asked while smiling bright at them "it was good"
Midnight said "it was awesome!" Void replied "oooh I'm so glad you two like it"

Charlie jumps up and down happily and turned to Vaggie "Vaggie, we need to prepare for our weekly Movie night"
Vaggie sighed and smile "hun, let's take a break for a moment, ok?" Charlie nods
"Oh yeah right, I'm sorry" Vaggie puts a hand on her shoulder "no puendo dormir
(I can't sleep)" Midnight turned to Void and raised a brow "por que? (Why?)" They turned to Vaggie "no lo se (I don't know)"
Void shrugged
It was now the time for movie night, they were in their pajamas, Void is wearing green pajamas and Midnight is wearing purple pajamas and the hoodie with demon horns attached still didn't want the others to know she's a human. Angel brought the foods, husk brought the drinks, Alastor grab some movies they could watch, then Vaggie and Charlie are preparing the area where they will watch the movie.
"Ok, foods check, drinks check,clean place check, aaand movie disk Check and we're good to go!" Charlie cheered and turn off the lights and put the first movie in.
Midnight noticed that Void was far away from her, he was sitting with angel who is sitting between Void and Husk. She then noticed someone is beside her, she looked up to see Alastor with his usual smile
"Mind if I sit here, my dear?" Midnight shook her head and pat the space next to her, Alastor. Alastor sat besides her and watch the movie, "my dear, what brought you to hell?" Midnight hummed and turned her eyes from the screen to Alastor who is looking at the movie "I mean... Life is tough, you gotta do the things to make your life bumpy then doing so hard to make it finally smooth." Alastor hummed then Midnight looked at the screen again, it  was now showing a gruesome scene, Charlie, vaggie, and angel looked slightly uncomfortable, Void and Husk looked not bothered at all while Midnight and Alastor looked like they were enjoying the gore.
"Huh, didn't know the eye can be pulled so far like that" Midnight hummed making Alastor chuckled "you're quite an interesting gal" Alastor suddenly blurted out making Midnight raise a brow "ah pfft nope"
Alastor can feel a weight suddenly lean on him, he looked down to see Midnight fallen asleep, he looked around to see Charlie and Vaggie fallen asleep holding each other, Angel asleep, his head on Husk's shoulder and hugging Voids arm. He looks down at Midnight, he shouldn't let her touch him like this but he let her, there was a strange feeling and he just pushed that away.
He would kill anybody who touch him like this and for some reason... He lets her go near him, what is he thinking by letting you get near like this.

Void was smirking while looking at Alastor and Midnight, Alastor reached over to grab the blanket and put it on her, he moves some strands of hair off her face and hummed, he then turned back to the movie.
It was late at night, Midnight stirred awake and noticed how Alastor was leaned on her and asleep, her cheeks was burning, thank God it was dark. She looked at Void and noticed he was still awake, Void glace at Midnight and mouthed "Follow me"
Void stand up and leave the room. Midnight grabs a pillow and lay Alastor down slowly and silently, grabbing her blanket she puts it on Alastor and leave following Void, they are now in the lobby
"What do you need, old man?" Midnight asked and Void sighed "Cuándo?(when?)"
Midnight raised a brow "when what?" Void cross his arms "when are you going to tell them?" Midnight sighed and took off the hood "I don't know...I don't even know how will they react" Midnight looked at Void with worry "don't worry my dear, now you know" both of them jump and looked at the person who is behind them "Al!? Shit I uhmm... Fuck" Midnight forgot Alastor was light sleeper "hmm, a human in hell is quite rare to happen" Alastor was staring at Midnight's eyes, this made her slightly shiver in fear. She slowly reached for the hood to put it back on but Alastor stopped her.

"No need for hiding it, dear. I already see enough" Midnight sighed and let the hood down, Void stand Infront of Midnight and swayed his tail left to right slowly.
"but I do need an explanation for this"
Alastor's eyes turned into radio dials for a second before turning back and tilt his head to the side.
"you guys might be confused on why I woken you up this late" Midnight smiled at them awkwardly, Charlie and Angel yawned "this ruined my beauty sleep" Angel whined "well... I-i uhm.. we... Shit...uh.." Midnight stuttered, she then started to reach for her arm and slightly scratching herself, this made Charlie, Angel, and Alastor slightly worry.

"We are... Not from here" her words made them confused "what do you mean?" Charlie asked "we are from another dimension which-" "Midnight is an alien and she is kinda spacey♪" Void suddenly sing and Midnight glared at him and Angel dust suddenly joined "Coming from the universe to party and go crazy♪" Midnight shook her head and sighed "as I was saying, we came from our dimension that you guys and this place is not real" Midnight said and paused "I'm suck at explaining things, ok? And... You guys are just a show that can be seen in prime, you guys are famous,in animations, fan arts, memes, carpets, and even a plushie."

Midnight then pulled her hood off making some of them gasp "and we know your lores, some backstory, and how you guys died... And I'm a human" Charlie walked towards her "how is it even possible?"
Void sighed "we get sucked into into a portal thingy and we woke up here, I'm originally a cat, like a pet cat. I woke up and I looked like this" he points at himself

"I'm still getting used on walking with two legs, anyways, we need to grab the crystal that can take us home" Charlie tilts her head "but what if there's more?" Void shrugged
"who knows, but we found it" Alastor steps in "So where is it?" He asked and Angel also stepped in "we'll help, that's what friends are for eh?" Angel puts his arms over Void's shoulder and smiled "humans, demons, and angels, we don't care. As long as they care for us and we care for them, smiles over here looked like he doesn't care but he does" Angel points at Alastor.

"Thanks, and as for the location of the crystal... it's... In the Vees territory"
A loud radio static can be heard in the room "ah how lovely" Alastor said with a static voice then turned into normal in a few minutes "when are you planning to capture the crystal?" Midnight and Void both shrugged "Maybe after we think of a plan to sneak in but it will be so tough"

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