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- The Past-

"Hey dad! where's mom?" The 10 years old
Midnight called out, making her father look down at her "oh she's in the garden,go get her and say lunch is ready" Midnight nod and go to the garden, here she sees rows of roses, and lavenders on the corners that's her favorite. In the middle was her mother sitting on the table drinking tea while reading something.
"Mom! Mom!" Midnight called out as she walked towards her mother "ah my little trouble maker, do you need something?"
Her mother chuckled and pick her up and putting her besides her mother.

"Lunch is ready, dad said" Midnight said with a smile "well ok then my little devil"
Her mother stands up and picks her up and go inside the house. "There you guys are, sit down and let me get the foods" her mother and Midnight sat on the couch and Dusk came back with the food "enjoy señorita" Dusk winked at them making Midnight giggle and her mother roll her eyes and smiled.
"You can't just leave like this,Azura!" Dusk yelled and clench his fists turning his knuckles White "oh I can!" Azura grabs some clothes and shove it in her bag
"But why?! What about Midnight?!... She's our daughter, you can't just abandon her!"
Dusk grabs her wrist "I can leave!but I'll come back for fuck sake" Azura glared at him "damnit Azura, if you could just have listened-" Dusk was cut off by his wife
"I'm leaving, but I'll come back for Midnight and maybe I can take her with me" Dusk's right eye twitched with anger
"Don't you dare take my daughter away from me, Azura" little did they know Midnight was behind the door curled up in like a little ball.
"I don't know I just..*sigh* I think it's my fault why they had that fight" Midnight said and looked at Void "for a cat you're a good listener, but I guess you don't have a choice" Midnight chuckled while the black cat meowed. "I just think if I could be a better daughter they asked for they didn't have that fight" Midnight hugged Void.

Hey... You ok, babe?" Angel's Voice spoke up Making Midnight look at him "you're zoning out for often, what's on your mind?" Midnight forced a smile "It's nothing, just thinking how my life is going to be the more we're in this hell" Angel chuckled "well, ya don't to worry 'bout that" Midnight sighed 'i hope so'
"hey kid, if I were an animal what would it be?" Dusk asked and Midnight hummed
"Well, maybe a cat" Dusk smiled "why is that?" Midnight pokes his chest "you're stubborn and not telling me what's wrong or If you're sick" Dusk chuckled "hey, not my fault I'm trying to protect you from the sickness" Midnight smiled.
"Aaand you're doing it again" Midnight snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Angel "doing what?" Angel rolled his eyes
"you're a strange and interesting gal"
Midnight snickered "whatever you say"

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