Chapter 46: Eve and Elysian's Joint Live

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The next day came and as promised Shiro called Ren to meet him and Hiyori. Although confused Ren agreed. Ito and Jun joined them as for Ito he was worried for his King and Ren and for Jun he was worried his Ohii-san did something again.

Then Hiyori, although reluctant, decided to tell Ren everything he told Shiro the night before after the Nightfrost's party. Naturally Ito and Jun heard all of it. While Jun said nothing because he was there when they were talking about the brothers in the restaurant, Ito was shocked.

He never expected 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 Hiyori to feel guilty about not being able to help the brothers a year ago. As for Ren he was quiet for a while before speaking up. "...Thank you Hiyori-san. For telling me this." "Huh?" "...But don't misunderstand. True we had tough times last year but Nii-san and I never once blamed you and Jun-san for it. In fact I don't think it was anyone's fault it happened. I mean our parents were the ones who decided to make us quit school. So..."

"...Please don't blame yourself for this. I don't want the Senpai I admire to feel guilty because of us." Ren said. "...Ren-kun...Ahaha...Shiro-kun you were really right on the spot on what your brother will say." Hiyori said. "Eh?" Ren said confused. "Hmph told you." Shiro said.

"...Thank you Ren-kun. Because of you I feel much better!" Hiyori said. "Then that's great!" Ren said with a smile. "...Seems like a problem is solved huh? What are you guys going to do now?" Jun asked. "Hmm we haven't really decided on it yet." Shiro said.

"Is that so? Then come to CosPro for a bit!" Hiyori said. "No." Shiro said. "Why?! You came the last time right?! Why say no now?" "....That one time is different. It was only because of the shuffle unit that I decided to go." Shiro said.

"...I suppose so. Guess you still have a grudge against the agency. Well then let's go shopping! There's a mini event ongoing and I want us to attend!" Hiyori said. "...Ohii-san you do know shopping and going to a mini event is a different thing right?" Jun asked.

"Mou Jun-kun don't sweat the small details! What do you say Elysian let's go together!" Hiyori said. "E-Eh?! M-Me too?" Ito asked. "Of course including you Ito-kun! Consider this a special privilege for being with the brothers!" Hiyori said. Although Ito doesn't understand what Hiyori meant by being with the brothers he's at least happy to spend the day with his unit members.

"Oi we haven't said yes yet!" Shiro said. "Oya? Not going? Looks to me Ito-kun wants to go though?" Hiyori said with a smirk. ".....Fine. You win. But only so that I can keep an eye on you." Shiro said. "If Nii-san and Ito-senpai are going then I shall go too! Not going to let myself stay behind and be alone!" Ren said.

"Then it's decided let's go! Jun-kun guide the way!" Hiyori said. "And in the end as always you just ask me to just be the tour guide! But I guess since it's for the brothers and Takasaki-san it's fine." Jun said.

The five of them then head to the shopping mall near the Seisou Hall and like Hiyori said there seems to be an event going on as there are more people than usual. They then entered the mall and because they were all in disguise no one recognized them yet.

They then head where the mini live is held. Since it's a mini event where no forms are needed to be signed it's a free for all where anyone can join if they want to. The MC then asked "Now then anyone want to come up on stage and sing for us!"

"Here!" Hiyori said as he took off his disguise. Immediately everyone was shocked and went crazy. Without saying anything Jun and the members of Elysian did the same and when they did everyone else was super excited. Not because Eve was there. But because BOTH Elysian and Eve are together.

"Oya this is a surprise! Who knew we have the members of Eve and Elysian together here? Well then since it's a rare chance to see it why not all five of you come on stage?" The MC said as everyone there shouted. "You heard him!" Hiyori said. ".....Hai hai we know that Ohii-san." Jun said with a sigh as the five of them went on stage.

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