5. **Chapter Five: Secrets Unveiled** Urdu: راز فاش

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The Dera where Siraj Mirani resided was a picturesque retreat nestled in the heart of the rural countryside distanced by the Mirani Haveli just by 4km. Surrounded by lush fields and scattered trees, the old-style farm exuded a rustic charm, with various animals roaming freely in the open spaces.

As Siraj sat in the veranda, his gaze fixed on the horizon, two loyal Dobermans named Zoro and Simba lay at his feet, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of intrusion or danger.

As Siraj sat in the veranda, his gaze fixed on the horizon, two loyal Dobermans named Zoro and Simba lay at his feet, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of intrusion or danger

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Siraj: (harshly, addressing his workers) You all may wonder why I have summoned all of you here. You see there is a matter that we need to get to the bottom of because otherwise there will be very bad consequences for everyone. The worker who was killed on the territory we acquainted with the Solanghi's deserves justice NOO?!! And If we don't do anything then the police will be at our necks.

The workers, sensing Siraj's intense demeanor, shifted uneasily, aware of the consequences of withholding information.

Siraj: (continuing sternly) If any of you know anything about what happened, you better speak up now. I will not tolerate lies or deceit. Whoever decides to hide something will face severe consequences. Make no mistake, I will make that person pay dearly.

Just as the tension in the air seemed palpable, Sikandar arrived at the scene, his approach more tactful yet equally firm.

Sikandar: (calmly, addressing the workers) Gentlemen, we understand the gravity of the situation. The loss of the worker is a tragedy that must be addressed swiftly. If any of you have any information, no matter how small, rest assured that you will be rewarded for your honesty and cooperation.Now you all may leave and if any of you has any information please convey it.

The workers, sensing Sikandar's more diplomatic approach, started leaving and murmuring among themselves, some exchanging nervous glances while others remained stoic.

Siraj: (eyes narrowing, addressing Sikandar) We don't have time for games, Sikandar. We need answers, and we need them now.

Sikandar: (nodding, maintaining his composure) I understand, Siraj. I assure you, we will get to the bottom of this. But sometimes, offering a reward can incentivize people to come forward with valuable information.

Siraj grudgingly acknowledged Sikandar's point, knowing that his brother's diplomatic skills often yielded results in situations like these.

Siraj: (reluctantly) Fine, Sikandar. Offer the reward. But make it clear that we will not tolerate any deceit or betrayal.

With that, Sikandar nodded, signaling to the workers that the opportunity for cooperation and honesty was on the table, albeit with the weight of consequences for those who chose to deceive or withhold information. The scene at the farmhouse remained tense, with the search for truth and justice driving the resolve of the Mirani family and their workers.

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