9. **Chapter Nine: Turbulent Times** Urdu: انتہائی مشکل وقت

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Barlas, seeking solace and refuge from the tumultuous events unfolding around him, retreated to the secret painting room tucked away in his father's studio. This secluded space had started to held a profound significance for Barlas, adorned with portraits of his enigmatic mother whose memory lingered as a haunting presence in his life.

As he entered the dimly lit room, the soft glow of the lamps cast an ethereal light on the paintings adorning the walls. Each portrait captured a different facet of his mother's persona—her grace, her mystery, and the depth of her gaze that seemed to hold untold secrets.

Barlas sank into a plush armchair, his eyes fixated on the portrait nearest to him. His mother's eyes, painted with an enigmatic intensity, seemed to follow his every move, as if silently urging him to confront his emotions.

In the stillness of the room, Barlas allowed himself to contemplate the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed him since the announcement of his impending marriage to Parishè. Conflicting thoughts and feelings swirled in his mind—a sense of duty to uphold his family's honor, a lingering doubt about the suddenness of the decision, and an underlying curiosity about the woman who would soon be his wife.

He traced a finger along the intricate brushstrokes of the painting, lost in introspection. Memories and unanswered questions about his mother's past resurfaced, intertwining with his present predicament.

The room offered a sanctuary for Barlas to delve deep into his thoughts and emotions, away from the prying eyes and expectations of the outside world. Here, surrounded by the silent company of his mother's portraits, he sought clarity and understanding amid the complexities of family obligations and personal desires.

As he sat in quiet contemplation, the faint scent of paint mingled with nostalgia, weaving a tapestry of memories and aspirations.

Gul-azmaray, Barlas's stepmother, entered the serene painting room with a gentle demeanor, her presence bringing a subtle shift in the atmosphere. She paused at the threshold, taking in the tranquil ambiance of the room illuminated by the soft glow of the lamps.

"Barlas," she called out softly, her voice carrying a warmth that belied the complexities of their relationship. Gul-azmaray approached him with a graceful stride, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and concern as she observed him seated amidst the portraits.

Barlas looked up, acknowledging her presence with a nod. He appreciated his stepmother's understanding nature.

Gul-azmaray took a seat nearby, her posture poised yet inviting. "I thought I might find you here," she said gently, her gaze meeting his with a quiet understanding.

Barlas offered a faint smile, a silent acknowledgment of her insight. "It's a place of solitude," he remarked, gesturing towards the paintings that adorned the walls.

"Yes, I am sure it offers you clarity amidst the chaos," Gul-azmaray agreed, her voice soft and soothing.

Silence settled between them, a comfortable companion in their shared contemplation. Barlas appreciated the unspoken support offered by his stepmother, allowing him the space to process his thoughts without judgment or interruption.

After a moment, Gul-azmaray spoke again, her words carrying a sense of reassurance. "You're facing a challenging time, Barlas. Remember, strength is not just about resilience but also about allowing yourself to be vulnerable when needed."

Barlas nodded, grateful for her words of wisdom. "I know," he replied quietly, a hint of vulnerability in his tone.

Gul-azmaray reached out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Doesn't matter what decision you make but know that you have my full support , and if you don't feel like doing it then say the word and I will make sure that no one obligates you" she said, her voice filled with genuine care and understanding.

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