14. **Chapter Fourteen:Seeds of Hope** Urdu: امیدوں کے بیج

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Siraj and Sikandar sat in the quiet office of the dera, the heavy air thick with contemplation. The events of the past days had weighed heavily on them, creating a sense of urgency to uncover the truth behind the chaos. Siraj, lost in thought, drummed his fingers on the wooden desk.

Siraj: "Sikandar, something doesn't add up. We've been chasing shadows, the focus has been on the Lakhanis and on us the Miranis, but there's another player in this game."

Sikandar looked at his brother, curiosity piqued. "What are you thinking, Siraj?"

Siraj: "The Mir family. They've managed to stay in the background, yet they've been involved in subtle ways. Remember how they brought up the topic of Barlas and Parishè at the country club? They knew everyone would be there, and it would create a stir."

Sikandar nodded, the pieces beginning to fall into place. "And you think Murtaza's actions are also connected to them?"

Siraj: "It makes sense. Murtaza's father, Mehmood Afzal, was loyal to our father. He wouldn't have acted against us unless someone he trusted influenced him. The Mirs could have easily manipulated Murtaza, using his father's loyalty as leverage.Because it doesn't make sense that he would do something like this against the Lakhanis in our name? Why would he do it? He didn't have a reason"

Sikandar nodded, but the Mirs have

Determined to find evidence of the Mir family's involvement, Siraj and Sikandar delved into their network of contacts. They questioned informants, pieced together conversations, and reviewed events leading up to the recent turmoil. The more they uncovered, the clearer it became that the Mirs had been orchestrating events from behind the scenes.

Sikandar Mirani leaned back in his chair, his eyes glinting with cunning as he addressed his brother, Siraj. The air was thick with the quiet murmur of evening activities outside.

"Siraj," Sikandar began, his voice low and deliberate, "the Mir family has every reason to stir the pot and create a feud between us and Lakhanis."

Siraj, who had been idly cleaning his rifle, paused and looked up, intrigued. "And why is that, Sikandar?"

Sikandar smirked, leaning forward to emphasize his point. "Think about it. We've recently acquired their lands near the Dam with the Solangis. That alone would be enough to fuel resentment. And we all know our dearly beloved cousins, the Solangis, don't always play fair."

Siraj's eyes narrowed as he considered his brother's words. "You're saying the Mirs have a vested interest in keeping us at odds with the Lakhanis, to distract from their own agendas?"

"Precisely," Sikandar replied, tapping his fingers on the table. "By stirring up trouble, they not only weaken our position but also keep the Lakhanis too occupied to challenge them directly. And with the Solangis' reputation for underhanded tactics, it's easy for the Mirs to manipulate events without getting their hands dirty."

Siraj chuckled darkly. "Clever. And devious."

Sikandar nodded, his expression serious. "We need to be vigilant, Siraj. The Mirs are playing a dangerous game, and we can't afford to be caught off guard. Also Keep an eye on our 'cousins' and their dealings, don't want them to create more troubles. We need to be ready for whatever they throw our way."

Siraj grinned, his grip tightening on the rifle. "Let them come. We'll be ready."

As the two brothers shared a conspiratorial look, the stakes of their ongoing feud became all the clearer.

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