10. **Chapter Ten: Facing Adversity** Urdu: انتہائی مشکل وقت

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As Barlas stealthily made his way through the back doors of the haveli, Sher Ali waited outside with his car, engine running softly in the night. The moon cast a silvery glow, shrouding their movements in secrecy as they embarked on their clandestine mission.

Barlas's heart raced with anticipation and apprehension, every footstep echoing loudly in his ears. He kept to the shadows, avoiding any stray beams of light that could betray their escape. Sher Ali watched attentively, ready to whisk Barlas away to their destination.

As Barlas reached the safety of the waiting car, he slid into the passenger seat, his expression a mix of determination and anxiety. Sher Ali nodded in silent understanding before smoothly pulling away from the haveli, blending into the darkness of the night.

The journey to the Bukhari house was fraught with tension, each passing moment heightening Barlas's nerves. He stole glances out the window, the familiar sights of their village passing by in a blur. Sher Ali remained focused on the road, his concentration unwavering despite the gravity of their mission.

Arriving at the Bukhari house, Sher Ali parked the car a discreet distance away, ensuring they wouldn't draw attention. Barlas took a deep breath, steeling himself for the encounter ahead. With determination in his eyes, he exited the car, Sher Ali following closely behind.

The Bukhari house loomed ahead, quiet and solemn in the night. Barlas approached cautiously, his senses on high alert. He knew the risks of being caught, but his desire to see Parishè outweighed any fear.

As they neared the house, Barlas's heart pounded in his chest. Every step brought him closer to the possibility of seeing Parishè once more before the impending wedding. With Sher Ali by his side, he braced himself for whatever awaited them at the Bukhari house, knowing that this moment could change everything.

Barlas and Sher Ali huddled close, their voices hushed in the stillness of the night as they strategized their next move near the Bukhari house. With a sense of urgency, they needed to find a way to call Parishè out without arousing suspicion from her family or neighbors.

After a brief discussion, they settled on a plan. Barlas would attempt to scale the short wall and make his way to the roof of the Bukhari house. It was a risky maneuver, but it offered a vantage point where he could call out to Parishè without drawing too much attention.

Barlas nodded to Sher Ali, signaling that he was ready to proceed. With cautious steps, Barlas approached the wall, his movements deliberate and calculated to avoid making any noise. His heart raced with anticipation, every second feeling like an eternity as he climbed the wall with practiced agility.

Reaching the top of the wall, Barlas paused, surveying the surroundings from his elevated position. The moonlight provided a faint glow, casting shadows that danced across the rooftops. With a steadying breath, Barlas made his way across the roof, mindful of his footing to avoid any missteps.

Sher Ali watched from below, his gaze fixed on Barlas's silhouette against the night sky. He remained alert, ready to provide assistance if needed or to act as a lookout for any unexpected interruptions.

As Barlas waited anxiously on the roof, his eyes scanned the surroundings until he spotted Parishè approaching. She wore a traditional kaamiz shalwar, the vibrant colors of the fabric contrasting beautifully against the darkness of the night. A delicate dupatta was draped over her shoulder, adding an elegant touch to her attire.

Her long hair cascaded down her back, shimmering in the moonlight as she moved closer to the spot where Barlas was hidden. Each step she took seemed to echo in Barlas's ears, his heart beating faster with anticipation and a hint of nervousness.

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