911 station incident

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As Buck lifted a heavy crate in the station, a sharp pain shot through his chest. Brushing it off as heartburn, he continued his work. Eddie noticed Buck wincing and asked, "You okay, man?" Buck smiled, "Just some heartburn, no big deal." However, the pain intensified, causing Buck to gasp. Concerned, Eddie insisted, "We need to get you checked out." Reluctantly, Buck agreed.

In the ambulance, Buck's discomfort grew, and he confessed, "Maybe it's more than heartburn." Terrified of what it could be, he added, "I'm scared, Eddie." Eddie reassured him, "We got you, Buck. You're gonna be okay." At the hospital, Buck was rushed into surgery. As he was wheeled away, he whispered, "Don't let me die, Eddie."

Hours passed as Eddie paced the waiting room, tormented by the thought of losing his best friend. Finally, the surgeon appeared, relief washing over Eddie as he heard, "He's stable. It was a blocked artery, but we got it in time." Buck survived, and as he woke up, Eddie was by his side. Tears welled up in Eddie's eyes as he said, "You scared the hell out of me, Buck."

Buck, still groggy from the surgery, managed a weak smile. "I didn't mean to," he mumbled. Eddie chuckled through his tears, "Well, next time, just tell me it's not heartburn, okay?" They shared a moment of laughter, grateful for each other's presence. As Buck recovered, their bond grew stronger, a reminder of the life-threatening risks they faced every day.

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