Part2 of Title: A Blaze of Emotions

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[Scene: The firehouse the next day. Buck and Tommy walk in, seemingly unaware of the curious glances from their coworkers.]

Hen: So, how was the big date last night?

Buck: It was great, thanks for asking.

[Tommy nods in agreement, but Eddie can't hide the tension in his expression.]

Eddie: Glad to hear it went well.

[Marisol, noticing Eddie's discomfort, gives him a knowing look.]

Marisol: Everything okay, babe?

Eddie: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess.

[Marisol raises an eyebrow, not fully convinced, but lets it go for now.]

Chimney: So, are we placing bets on when they'll make it official?

Hen: I give it a month, tops.

[Eddie clenches his jaw, feeling a pang of jealousy as he watches Buck and Tommy share a laugh together.]

Eddie: [Under his breath] Yeah, we'll see about that.

[Later that day, Buck and Tommy are out on a call, working seamlessly together.]

Buck: You did great back there, Tommy.

Tommy: Thanks, Buck. Couldn't have done it without you.

[Their chemistry is undeniable, leaving Eddie feeling more uneasy than ever.]

[Back at the firehouse, Eddie seeks solace in the kitchen, where Marisol finds him deep in thought.]

Marisol: You still thinking about Buck and Tommy?

[Eddie sighs, running a hand through his hair.]

Eddie: Yeah, I can't shake this feeling.

Marisol: You know you can talk to me about anything, right?

Eddie: I know, and I appreciate it. It's just... I can't help but feel like I'm losing something.

[Marisol wraps her arms around Eddie, offering him comfort.]

Marisol: Hey, you're not losing anything. Buck cares about you, and so do I.

[Eddie nods, grateful for Marisol's understanding.]

Eddie: Thanks, Marisol. I needed to hear that.

[Meanwhile, Buck and Tommy return to the firehouse, unaware of the tension they've caused.]

Tommy: Another day, another save.

Buck: Couldn't have said it better myself.

[As they head back to their respective duties, the rest of the team watches on, wondering how this newfound dynamic will play out.]

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