Title:Buck's Stubborn Staircase Stumble

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As the video call connected, Eddie, Maddie, Hen, and Bobby were greeted by the sight of Buck attempting to navigate his loft with a cast on his leg and crutches for support. He was clearly in a foul mood, his usual charm replaced by a scowl.

"Hey, Buck, how you holding up?" Eddie asked, concern evident in his voice.

Buck huffed, "Oh, you know, just living the dream," he replied sarcastically, adjusting his grip on the crutches as he tried to maneuver towards the stairs.

Maddie chimed in, "You know, Buck, maybe you should take it easy. You're on bedrest for a reason."

Buck rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know. But being stuck here all day is driving me crazy."

Hen frowned, "Maybe we can come over and keep you company. Or help out with anything you need."

Buck shook his head, "No thanks, I can manage," he insisted stubbornly, determined to prove his independence.

As he reached the stairs, Buck's crutches slipped, and he stumbled precariously. Panic flashed in Eddie's eyes as he watched Buck struggle.

"Buck, be careful!" Eddie exclaimed, reaching out towards the screen as if he could somehow stop the inevitable.

But it was too late. Buck lost his balance and tumbled over the railing, crashing to the floor below with a loud thud. His phone clattered against the table, the video feed cutting out abruptly.

For a moment, there was stunned silence on the call before Bobby spoke up, "We need to get over there, now."

With a chorus of agreements, the team hurriedly ended the call and rushed to Buck's apartment, their worry for their friend outweighing any annoyance at his stubbornness.

Meanwhile, Buck lay sprawled on the floor, groaning in pain as he tried to assess the damage. Maybe being on bedrest wasn't such a bad idea after all. As the team burst through the door of Buck's loft, they found him still on the floor, wincing in pain. Eddie knelt beside him, immediately checking for any serious injuries.

"Buck, are you okay?" Eddie asked urgently, his hands gentle as he examined his friend.

Buck winced, but managed a weak nod, "Yeah, I think so. Just a bruised ego, mostly."

Maddie knelt down beside Eddie, concern etched on her face, "You scared us, Buck. You really need to take it easy."

Buck sighed, finally relenting, "I know, I know. I'm sorry, guys. I guess I've been more stubborn than usual."

Hen offered a sympathetic smile, "It's okay, Buck. We just want you to be okay."

Bobby surveyed the scene with a mix of relief and exasperation, "Well, it looks like you'll definitely be sticking to bedrest now."

Buck nodded sheepishly, "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for coming, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Eddie clapped him on the shoulder, "That's what teammates are for, Buck. We've got your back, no matter what."

With the team by his side, Buck finally allowed himself to relax, grateful for their unwavering support. Maybe being stuck at home wasn't so bad when he had such amazing friends to keep him company.

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