Title: A Blaze of Emotions

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Title: A Blaze of Emotions

[Scene: The firehouse kitchen. Buck is chatting with Hen and Chimney when Tommy walks in, looking nervous.]

Tommy: Hey, uh, Buck. Can I talk to you for a sec?

Buck: Sure thing, Tommy. What's up?

[Tommy shifts on his feet, looking hesitant.]

Tommy: Well, I was thinking... maybe we could grab dinner tonight? Just the two of us?

[Buck's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly covers it with a smile.]

Buck: Yeah, I'd like that. Sounds great.

[As Tommy leaves, Eddie enters the kitchen, exchanging a knowing glance with Hen and Chimney.]

Eddie: What's got Tommy all worked up?

Buck: Oh, he just asked me out to dinner. No big deal.

[Eddie's smile falters slightly, but he nods.]

Eddie: Cool, man. Have fun.

[Meanwhile, in another corner of the firehouse, Hen and Chimney are whispering conspiratorially.]

Hen: I can't believe Tommy finally made a move.

Chimney: Yeah, but Eddie's been eyeing Buck for ages. This is gonna be interesting.

[Back at the restaurant, Buck and Tommy are engrossed in conversation, oblivious to the brewing tension back at the firehouse.]

Tommy: So, what made you want to become a firefighter?

Buck: Honestly, it's the rush. Saving lives, making a difference. There's nothing quite like it.

[Tommy smiles, captivated by Buck's passion.]

Tommy: I totally get that.

[Meanwhile, back at the firehouse, Eddie is pacing anxiously, unable to shake off his unease.]

Hen: [Teasingly] You alright there, Eddie?

Eddie: Yeah, I'm fine. Just... curious, I guess.

Chimney: [Smirking] Curious about Buck's hot date with Tommy?

[Eddie's cheeks flush slightly, but he tries to play it cool.]

Eddie: Nah, just wondering how it's going, that's all.

[Hen and Chimney exchange amused glances, knowing Eddie's true feelings.]

Hen: Sure, Eddie. Whatever you say.

[Later that evening, Buck and Tommy are still at the restaurant, enjoying each other's company when Buck's phone buzzes with a text from Eddie.]

Eddie (text): How's the date going?

[Buck chuckles, showing the text to Tommy.]

Buck: Looks like someone's interested in our evening.

Tommy: [Grinning] Well, let's just say it's going better than I expected.

[Buck smiles back, feeling a warmth in his chest as he puts his phone away, enjoying the rest of his evening with Tommy.]

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