Title: "Buck's TikTok Prank"

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Title: "Buck's TikTok Prank"

It was a rare day off for Buck and Eddie at the fire station, a welcome break from the chaos and adrenaline of their usual routine. With Christopher spending the day with his Abuela, Buck and Eddie found themselves with some much-needed time to themselves.

As they lounged around Buck's apartment, enjoying each other's company, Buck couldn't resist the urge to pull a prank on Eddie. He had been scrolling through TikTok earlier and stumbled upon a hilarious towel drop prank that he was eager to try out.

With mischievous intent, Buck pretended to be engrossed in a video call on his phone while strategically placing his phone on the counter, the camera angled just right to capture the scene. He wrapped a towel around his waist, pretending to have just stepped out of the shower, and positioned himself in front of the camera.

"Eddie, come here for a second," Buck called out, trying to contain his laughter.

Eddie, curious, approached Buck, who was still pretending to be deeply engaged in the fake video call. As Eddie leaned in, Buck dropped the towel with a dramatic flourish, revealing his bare torso—or so it seemed.

Eddie's eyes widened in shock, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. "Buck! What the hell are you doing?" he exclaimed, instinctively reaching out to cover Buck with his hands.

But to Eddie's surprise and relief, Buck burst into laughter, revealing that he was wearing shorts underneath the towel. "Gotcha, Eddie! It's just a prank," Buck chuckled, holding up his phone to show Eddie the recording.

Eddie's initial panic quickly melted into amusement, though a slight blush colored his cheeks at the realization of how close he had come to reacting instinctively to protect Buck's modesty.

"You're lucky I didn't tackle you to the ground," Eddie teased, playfully swatting Buck on the arm.

Buck grinned, feeling a surge of affection for the man standing before him. "Well, now that you mention it, that might have been an even better prank," he joked, pulling Eddie into a warm embrace.

As they laughed and teased each other, Buck couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of lightheartedness and intimacy with the man he loved. And as they settled back into the comfort of each other's arms, Buck knew that their relationship was stronger than ever, built on a foundation of trust, laughter, and unwavering support.

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