Title: Frozen Rescues

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Title: Frozen Rescues

Carlos felt the vibration of his phone against his hip, interrupting the steady rhythm of his patrol with his partner. Glancing at the caller ID, his heart skipped a beat as he recognized the hospital's number.

"Sorry, partner. Duty calls," he said, already moving to answer the call.

"What's up?" Carlos's voice was tense as he listened to the rapid explanation from the other end.

TK, his partner and the love of his life, was in the hospital with hypothermia. The words hit him like a punch to the gut, sending a surge of panic coursing through his veins.

As he raced towards the hospital, Carlos's mind raced with worry. How had this happened? Was TK okay? The questions circled endlessly, fueling his anxiety.

Arriving at the hospital, Carlos practically flew through the doors, his eyes scanning the bustling emergency room until they landed on TK's familiar face. He was lying on a gurney, pale and shivering, surrounded by a whirlwind of medical staff.

"TK!" Carlos's voice cracked with emotion as he rushed to his side, taking his hand in his own.

TK managed a weak smile at the sight of Carlos, his lips trembling from the cold. "Hey, babe," he murmured, his teeth chattering.

"What happened?" Carlos asked, his voice tight with concern.

TK's eyes drifted shut for a moment as he struggled to gather his thoughts. "We were on a mission," he began, his voice strained. "There was a kid stranded on a frozen lake. I-I fell in trying to reach him."

Carlos felt a surge of pride mixed with fear at TK's bravery. "You saved him," he said softly, squeezing TK's hand reassuringly.

TK nodded weakly. "Yeah, but I got stuck under the ice. Couldn't find my way out until Owen pulled me free."

Carlos's heart clenched at the thought of TK trapped beneath the icy surface, fighting for his life. "You're safe now," he whispered, pressing a kiss to TK's forehead.

The hours passed in a blur as TK was treated for hypothermia. Carlos refused to leave his side, his hand never leaving TK's as they waited for news.

Finally, the doctor emerged, a tired smile on her face. "He's going to be okay," she said, relief flooding her voice. "Thanks to your quick thinking, he's going to make a full recovery."

Carlos let out a shaky breath, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion.

As TK drifted off to sleep, Carlos settled into the chair beside his bed, vowing to never let him out of his sight again. They had faced danger together before, but nothing could prepare Carlos for the sheer terror of almost losing the man he loved. From that day on, they cherished every moment together, knowing that life was too precious to take for granted.

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