Title: Unexpected Sparks

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Title: Unexpected Sparks

As the chaos of another day at the 118 firehouse settled, Tommy and Buck found themselves alone in the break room. The tension between them had been building for weeks, their friendship evolving into something more. With a nervous glance, Buck leaned in, capturing Tommy's lips in a soft, tentative kiss.

Tommy's heart raced as he returned the kiss, his hands finding their way to Buck's waist. When they finally pulled apart, Buck's cheeks flushed crimson, his normally confident demeanor replaced with bashfulness. "I... I'm sorry, Tommy. I didn't mean to overstep," he stammered, avoiding eye contact.

But Tommy simply smiled, reaching out to cup Buck's cheek gently. "Don't apologize," he murmured, his thumb brushing over Buck's lips. "That was... unexpected, but not unwelcome."

Relief flooded Buck's features, his eyes meeting Tommy's with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "So... what now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tommy's smile widened as he closed the distance between them, pressing another kiss to Buck's lips, this time with more certainty. "Now," he said softly, "we see where this takes us." And with that, they both knew that their journey together was just beginning.

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